A model programmed by leftists, so of course it’s going to be left-leaning.
A model programmed by leftists, so of course it’s going to be left-leaning.
Yes, we should allow 8 year-old kids make the decision to have life altering (mutilating) surgery because they think they are a different sex today!
Wrong, most studies show that this is still a right-leaning country. It’s only a left-leaning majority in your circular echo-chamber
Who’s shocked? I’m not. These so-called “AI’s” (that actually aren’t AI but are simply massive databases programmed to spit out sentences) were programmed by libs, so of course they have a lib bias. It’s kind of like saying CNN “leans” to the left!
Corrections Officers are NOT Cops.
Well, Twitter said they were going to cut down on fake scientific information - looks like it worked!
Let both sides (all three?) rot! They may be surprised when nobody really care and all of the entertainment is being filmed in Canada, UK, and other place overseas.
Wait until Black Friday to subscribe - all of the services usually have great deals (Hulu has a $0.99/month deal almost every year).
This idea has been around for decades in science fiction. Today’s “researchers” steal idea from authors and claim it as their own - pathetic! This was probably his dissertation that earned him his doctorate.
Sad news. But I’m sure they were all counted as “covid deaths” to inflate the imaginary pandemic.
Once again we see how the liberals can only see racism as whites on blacks. apparently to your tiny little brains, blacks can’t be racists. It’s frankly hilarious to see your stupidity on display
I’ve got an iPhone for work and a S21+ personal phone. The only reason I have to use the iPhone is my company’s ridiculous security standards. The iPhone GUI is horrible. I won’t even go into everything as it’s been beaten to death over an over. But my top complaint is I can’t organize the app icons where I want -…
Fact check: you're full of shit
So many brainwashed sheep - all the little “resisters” - who blindly believe everything their government tells them with no room for critical though. Frankly, you’re all pathetic.
Except it wasn’t a “vaccine”. As the manufacturer and CDC now admit it did nothing to prevent infection by or spread of covid
You’re also literally more likely to get struck by lightning or die in a car accident on the way to work than die from covid (unless you’re already dying that is).
Holy! An article about SpaceX that mentions Musk and not a single thing in it bashing him? You’re losing your touch Giz!
So, not quite as much as the White House, DOJ, and Zuck are censoring Facebook.
No the real reason was 80+ million imaginary Biden voters - minus you fools
And this article is definitely catering to the stupid!