Royal Bigness

You realize that the power generation plants needed to power the battery chargers use far more energy than those “gas-guzzling trucks” (I won’t go into the details of the environmental disaster the rare-earth mines are). Those battery charging stations aren’t powered by rainbows and unicorn farts. It’s usually going

Instances like this are how private security thugs like these Pinkerton goons get shot (as would happen at my house if they tried that crap).  Then call the REAL police to come clean up the trash.

That’s why they are supposed to call LAW ENFORECEMENT and involve the courts - not just send some random d-bags to the house to steal it back.

Police officers are just that POLICE OFFICERS.  Pinkertons are just wanna-be security people.  

Tell those private citizens (Pinkertons) to get the F off of your property of call the cops on them for trespassing. They have ZERO legal right to pursue any kind of “retrieval” like this and THEY were the ones breaking the law.  I’d be suing them into oblivion!

Well, it is so...  There is no scientific evidence proving otherwise. It’s all about lust and programming.

So, homosexuality is a race now? Okay, sure


Congratulations on your union.  Now you can expect lower pay, fewer benefits, more expensive healthcare, and that big deduction from your paycheck to pay for your union bosses multi-million dollar salaries!  Enjoy! LOL

I find it hilarious that you morons think that Elon Musk had anything to do with this.  This was the work of some low level employee who was trying to make his boss look bad.

Pretty bold statement to make when you dementia-riddled President bows to the CCP every morning

Probably something Hilary said back in 2016

It’s almost like what those of us with working brains have been saying all along. Countries like China and India (to name just two) won’t curb their emissions. Meanwhile the US has the lowest emission levels of all types in decades.

Love people who claim “I stopped watching years ago” but then take time out of their lives to comment on a show that they supposedly won’t watch.  It’s really kind of silly

Despite what most people seem to think, the Walking Dead was a show about relationships and survival with zombies thrown in.  It’s not (and never was) a show entirely about zombies.

Could you please show us on the doll where Elon Musk hurt you? He’s living in your heads rent free more than President Trump is these days.

So many sci-fi/horror movies start this way!

Regardless of the case, judges need to be reminded across the country that they don’t make laws. The legislative branch does that.

I love when liberal fascists don’t understand the word and accuse people of what they are actually doing.

“...elderly in this country not only have on average a higher net worth...”