Meghan McCain's Left Boob

The links just list their DISCLOSED travel and it appears under “re-imbursements.” So they did disclose these trips, they didn’t hide them, and it appears that they reimbursed the people paying for the trips (not sure about that)? Also, the WaPo article is about justices being paid to teach summer courses when the

It’s impressive that Thomas has been able to place himself at the top of the long list of corrupt, rethuglican tools and make himself into the most corrupt Supreme Court Justice ever.

Dude, if they can give me a balanced budget, better infrastructure, and an upgraded energy grid....I don’t care if they come dressed in chaps with no pants, flaming nipple pasties, and tube socks on their dicks. Hell, they can do a Rockettes kickline while the Star Spangled Banner plays on C-Span for all it matters.

I still dont care. He can make up whatever bullshit story he wants for whatever reason. Whether he is a comic or “clapter comic” whatever that is. His entire audience and the public large already agree that its fine, no one is bothered by it. Lie, embellish, whatever, so long as he entertains.

The doxxing is the only

First off, MTG always has been, is, and forever will be an idiot.

Weirdly, Kentucky is a red state but the governor is usually a Democrat. Fearing this very situation, the legislature recently passed a bill that prevents Beshear from replacing Mitch with a Democrat. Beshear has done a great job in Kentucky which has been hit with some terrible disasters during his administration.

I have had a hormonal IUD for six months now. I am a mother of two who has only been pregnant twice that I know of so you can do the math on the number of abortions I’ve had. I have not had sex since I’ve had my IUD. It was recommended to me for my increasingly heavy periods. They were so bad I left blood all over a

Justice moves way to slowly in this country. He should have had all his assets seized the minute the verdict was handed down, lost his radio show, and had any further income garnered to the point he was practically homeless and had to go on welfare and live in section 8 housing. The fact he’s still allowed to bloviate

Everyone should subscribe to and listen to the Knowledge Fight podcast. Dan and Jordan have made a career out of debunking Alex and his coterie of bullshit. Alex is still making money from InfoWars and his other platforms.

Idiots. “Unless they’ve got a billboard on top of the car, who’s gonna know they’re going somewhere to get an abortion? It’s unenforceable,” and “We don’t even have enough law enforcement here to take care of the business here in Mitchell County.” He doesn’t even know what he passed. It’s not law enforcement that will

Honestly, I think this is as good as Jill's grasp on reality is going to get. Major scandals with her parents, church, and brother combined with a decent husband won't be enough to undo the decades of fucked up shit she was raised with. 

Sexiest brain/face combo: Taika Waititi all day and night.

She’s not wrong though.

Boebert is a basic bitch. After her political career dissolves she is destined for more basic activities in the public eye. Kinda like Palin and Rosanne.

Are my tastes that obscure?

“Her only child had been killed in a drive-by shooting months earlier”

Yeah but Clarence Thomas insists we need to be “consistent with the Nation’s historical tradition” of carrying muskets, dying of tuberculosis, and shitting in holes in the ground.

This newly reported incident involving Rahimi comes on top of his alleged acts of violence against his ex that we already know of. His alarming rap sheet also includes arrests for shooting at someone’s home with an assault rifle in response to social media posts, shooting at drivers, shooting his gun in front of

We desperately need judicial reform in this country, top down.