Meghan McCain's Left Boob

Every American who a) knows there’s a country named Liberia and b) knows what the Liberian flag looks like won’t vote Republican. Really, I don’t know why they deleted the tweet.

Even a mile down there’s all manner of sea life that is happy to consume whatever organic material comes their way, and they probably literally can’t tell the difference between a dead whale, a dead fish, and a dead billionaire.  Oceanic scavengers got there way before the coast guard did.

Found the problem:

Not mentioned in this story: Copas is from Kentucky, so she was presumably unaware that El Paso is a border town and signs for Juarez just mean that you’re in El Paso, not that you’re on the way to have your 48-year-old organs harvested, or whatever nonsense she inhaled from cable news.

Jesus, could she look more like we all imagined she would? And what the fuck?

But they offer coupons for free diapers!* What more could any scared or broke expectant mother need?

I wish this faith based pregnancy centers would be shut down. 

But he said the plane was going there anyway so no harm done! And while on the plane he did some coke but look, someone else was gonna snort it if he didn’t so he just saved the flight attendant the job of having to clean up after.

So I guess nice, homestyle fare always includes Kobe beef? Get the fuck out of here, you lying asshole. Lucky for you the happy-ending massage tab at these places had to be settled in cash.

How can you have multiple professionals all under oath give you factual statements and medical histories, and a Judge can just dismiss it?”

They might have been able to if not for Andrew Tate telling anyone and everyone who would listen that he moved to Romania because the authorities there are corruptible on his budget. 

One more thing to add: a wanted pregnancy for a woman already suffering hyperemesis gravidarium. That’s a hellacious thing to deal with, and they’re basically telling her “nope, you gotta put up with that for 20 more weeks even though your baby will definitely die right after being born because constantly barfing out

Surprised Kentucky criminal prosecutors didn’t consider her previous miscarriage as probable cause for an indictment. That’s how low the bar is now.

Laughably weak “parody” troll who never has and never will see a vagina in person compares travel for critical healthcare to travel for a few cents off gas.

Saying this stupid, mean-spirited bullshit is the highlight of your day. Enjoy the shattering loneliness of your sad existence.

Fuck you

Apparently, the Dems in her state didn’t invite her to sit at the cool kids’ table and she got all butthurt about it; she “didn’t feel appreciated by the NC Democratic party”. The GOP, long-experienced hands at sniffing out useful weasels and traitors, invited her to their “cool” kids’ table, whatever that means, and

This line of shit is the same spin job Jessa Duggar gave after her abortion too.

I defy the anti-choice side to name one single person killed by a pro-choice protester. 1. Uno.

This is sickening in so many ways. This disgraced Marine is now another right-wing domestic terrorist and a seditionist.