Meghan McCain's Left Boob

I disagree that it’s typical to be friends with a serious ex or that it means you’re immature if you are not. It’s cool that it works out for some folks. But I don’t think it’s weird when it does not.

If they really cared about children being sexually abused, they'd shut down the Catholic Church. Full stop.

Even if fathers did have rights over fetuses, are you honestly arguing that those rights should include forcing someone else to endure pregnancy and childbirth? Really?

They don’t have the right to treat their spouses like livestock, spanky.

You’re absolutely right, and yet I can’t help simply being grateful that this woman was able to abort somehow, aftermath be damned. Imagine being tied to a fuckwad like this by having a kid with him. Odds on him using the kid to manipulate the mother ALL HER LIFE? 1000 to 1.

This is fucking scary and infuriating. I really want to know how the contents of the group chat were acquired by the ex-husband. A husband/partner of one of the women friends? But where will that million dollars they’re asking for come from? This is probably all just to scare the shit out of women (and for the ex to

Oh good, a whole new way for abusive husbands to punish their spouses.

“Our position has always been that, once we are certified by the FDA, Walgreens plans to dispense Mifepristone in any jurisdiction where it is legally permissible to do so, including the state of California,” a Walgreens representative told Politico. “Walgreens is facing the same circumstances as all retail

Florida IS a swing state, based on the people that live there.  Gerrymandering has turned it into a GOP stronghold where Tiny D feels comfortable pulling bullshit like this because he knows he’ll never get voted out.

I normally don’t wish ill on people but I really wouldn’t mind if something somewhere fell out of the sky and smacked this fucktard in the head.

“Pro life” is a lie. It’s really pro-terrorism, anti-sex, anti-woman and all in on brutal suppression.

My advice to every women who had a first baby after I had my first baby was to ignore the lactation consultants, send the baby to the hospital nursery so you can sleep and recover, and do whatever doesn’t drive you crazy when you get home. Too many of those consultants are bullies, weaponizing health messages against

I would by lying if I said that part of the reason I decided not to have children is because the idea of this happening to my body is so inherently petrifying. No amount of Cute Baby Promise could get me to sign on for this. Fuck no. And that is an okay choice! 

Medical abortions are already done in home - you go to the clinic, pickup the pills, then go home and take them. Picking them up at Walgreens or CVS doesn’t change anything.

I get your point.

Shut up and delete your account, you unfuckable loser.

In response to a letter from 20 state attorneys general, who cite an inactive law prohibiting dissemination of lewd material

I will never care about anything dealing with Harry Styles, but I have to say that Chris Pine has joined that rare club of men who are ten times hotter with graying temples. Hopefully Colin Firth and Liam Neeson welcome him in.

Ripping newborns and infants away from their parents?

Or, another thought is that she got pregnant and had babies knowing there was a 99% probability she was going to jail. What a pig.