Meghan McCain's Left Boob

It’s also because, to a troubling degree, “fairness” has become more important in newsrooms than truth*. When I worked in newsrooms in the early aughts, one of the most frustrating things was how the higher-ups (editors and to a smaller degree publishers) frequently insisted upon including a perspective we knew to be

That’s because newsrooms are still full of white men. As far as they’re concerned, pregnancy and abortion are women’s issues that do not affect them.

That sounds dreadful. I’m at least in a nice blue enclave, though certain neighbors take great pains to point out that they support Darth Cheeto. Funny, you always know who they’re going to be even before they open their mouths. They’re always the obnoxious ones you don’t really like anyway.  We were redistricted from

Dear Senator Karnes,

Oh good. I was just saying the other day that we needed a new Palin family. And I’m sorry, but:

I would argue that Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man is sporting a beard with douchebag trimmings.

Yeah that might be part of it too- there are a lot of guys who want to dawdle until their 40s and then look for someone young enough to have kids and that puts them in more competition. Guys don’t always seem to realize the biological clock part of relationships or plan for it (bc our culture mainly makes it something

I don’t mean desperate. I use “gross” to describe the same guy the OP is talking about (I think): totally self-centered and not at all understanding that women are real people. Most of these guys also got really uptight when I had my own opinions and wasn’t content to just nod along with theirs. I wish I could say

So ironic. When I dated, I could have gone on first dates every night of the week for a month if I wanted to.

This is a lot of words to say “men are trash.” LOL

This is why it always cracks me up when manosphere guys try to use fear tactics on women, and tell us we’re useless without a man and need to lock one down quickly before we “hit the wall.” It’s such obvious fear-based projection. Finding a man is as easy as falling off a chair for most women. Men are the ones in

Matos says he regularly holds roundtable-like discussions with women ages 25 to 45, and hears that they “prefer men who are emotionally available, good communicators, and share similar values.”

I dated a lot before I got married.

I mean death threats or suicidal wish which I agree are a step too far, and I’m torned on this because this is a teen we’re talking about (I assume at least, I didn’t go look for them).

Even immediate family could be a risk, that’s what is so terrifying about this. I’d say “tell only one person, someone who is in a position to help you” and then hope for the best. If you get turned in at least you know who did it?

If you live in an anti-abortion state, DO NOT TRUST ANYONE outside of your immediate family if you’re planning on getting an abortion, especially Facebook. Get a true encrypted app like Signal to communicate.  Facebook can see absolutely every single message made on their service, and have no problems turning that

Is it a mental health crisis though or are they just a massive piece of shit who’s finally done enough for the spell to break on it just being written off as eccentricity?

This eats it. Let us pray that the text message fuck-up nets us that Oath Keeper prick in his treason trial and maaaaaaaaybe helps with the other Jan. 6 prosecutions. Also, this was a goddamn Texas jury. We can still hope that the next jury (in Connecticut) will just burn that motherfucker down.

I’m confused. Why would the jury name an amount BEFORE they hear Jones’ net worth?

I have been waiting for this lawsuit ever since the right rammed thru abortion restrictions and cited “religious freedom” as justification. The right only ever considersreligious freedom” to mean for their christian nationalism. Never bother doing their homework to look and find that, oh other religions have