Meghan McCain's Left Boob

After serving in Iraq over 20 years ago, my brother thought he would become a cop and went to school for criminal justice. When it came time to do ride-alongs with the local cops and staties, he quickly realized they were a bunch of morons whose sole purpose in life was to look tuff and harass people. They had a

We HAVE accepted that it will keep happening at a horrifying rate. We accepted it after Columbine. And again after Virginia Tech. Again after Sandy Hook. And Aurora. And Pulse. And Vegas. And Parkland. And the literally hundreds of others that happened in there too. We accept it again every single time. And we’ll

That is the one part of the job that we still need from time to time. Traffic stops aren’t necessary any more. I’m not a fan of the surveillance state, but boy do people slow way down and stop running through red lights when there are cameras around. You could pay someone to just drive around and spot cars with

There is not a better argument for defunding or abolishing the police than this video (not to mention what happened at Parkland). What are police for, as presently constituted with guns, bulletproof vests, any amount of offensive and defensive military gear, and authority to use all of that at the drop of a hot, if

And as usual Republicans are foisting more and more laws legalizing hatred against women. Trust them to make things even worse.

wake me when something is actually done about these traitors.

If a woman carried a fetus to 8 months, odds are she was planning on having the child. If she goes to an abortion clinic at 8 months, there's probably a fucking real good reason why, and it's somewhere in the realm of 'life and death.' Not that that would matter to these Republican ghouls, who likely would object to

Acceptance of abortion has remained relatively constant since Roe v Wade - 30% want to ban it entirely, another 40% want it to be completely legal at any time, and the other 30% wants it to be either slightly more permissive or slightly less permissive than we currently have, or just don’t know.

The GOP: We endorse spreading unfounded rumors about Jewish space lasers setting homes ablaze. But rumors about coke and sex orgies is where we draw the line.

It’s almost as if everyone owning guns does not in fact reduce the risk of gun violence, but indeed increases it. And it’s almost as if a tool exclusively made for efficient killing is a lot more efficient at killing than other tools that can technically be used for the same end.

And yet people will continually insist that the US doesn’t have a gun problem...

Unfrotunately their media does not brand white terrorism as terrorism. 

When a racist psychopath kills double digits of people in Germany, it’s a major event that shocks the entire nation and gets declared a terrorist attack.

These people want children to die. These people want to force women to give birth to unwanted children they (Republican politicians) would let starve. These people want women to die. They want to burn books. They want to erase the history of oppression of black and brown people in this country from being taught to

These folks are scared by a little chalk on a public sidewalk, and peaceful protestors outside their homes? They should spend an hour inside an abortion clinic and see what staff and patients go through at the hands of aggressive, angry, virulent mobs of pro-forced-birth crazies.

I have to wonder about Republican voters in her state, because everywhere else it’s the “lesser of two Evils” argument. I would rather a Susan Collins over a(n) (equivalent) Marjorie Taylor Green. I would prefer no one vote Republican but that’s not reality. Collins is going to have to cave to her party’s crazy-ass

None of them should ever have another moment of peace for the rest of their miserable lives. If they are going to hurt millions, let them live in the fear they are creating for American women. Let their children be pariahs and let them cry themselves to sleep as so many will, due to their cruelty. Fuck them and fuck

Well, you know what, Susan?  Good News!!  You are going to be given the opportunity to vote on legislation that will codify Roe into law!!  Aren’t you excited!!!  I’m sure that you will be giving your full-throated support to that bill, won’t you, Susan?

The cruel nostalgia for the good old days of complete disregard for women’s lives is the point. Dude had to reach all the way back to the 17th century Puritanism for support of a ruling designed to affect 21st century lives. When they believed placing the father’s hat on a laboring woman’s belly relieved childbirth