
I was 22 and didn’t know any better about appropriate boundaries... this woman also thought she was being “motherly” ... while my BFF’s mom was waiting in line at CVS buying me cranberry juice and AZO tablets because my own mom was out of town that weekend... that’s Motherly.

Whyyyyyyy do people exist who think that’s okay? Good lord.

By doing what method of detection? A rousing game of “duck, duck, slut”?

Holy crap, I cant imagine being asked that at work by a supervisor.

some women just think they “know” ... when I was in college I came back from an out of state senior project trip... with my very first UTI. I worked retail in a very busy locally owned clothing store, as I was ringing up customers and (probably) doing the “potty dance” my boss came up to me and in a loud voice asked

Just know that you have named my autobiography. “Catching Dick Left and Right: The LolaCat5 Story” will sell ALL the copies because of you.

My mom told me you could tell who had lost their virginity because their butts would suddenly get bigger.

By the same token, “a million” in “A Million Moms” means “appoximately fourteen”.

Ya I’m starting to feel bad for her daughters if that’s what she thinks is motherly. I don’t believe she does though; just a desperately self-excusing statement.

Yeah, I didn’t get “motherly” so much as I did “MRA shame-scouting on OKC.”

To a subset of mothers, “motherly” means “entirely up in and controlling of my daughter’s vagina.”

In the sense that “mom” in “A Million Moms” means “nosy, moralistic asshole.”

So “motherly” is now a synonym for “delusional, condescending and psychotic”? Good to know.

“In hindsight, a few of the thoughts I shared, while well-intended, may have come across as more motherly than what they would expect from their state representative,” she wrote. “If anything I said offended them or made them feel uncomfortable, I apologize.”

I love this movie. It makes me sad that it’s so underappreciated. It hit the theatres shortly after the Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore movie Ghost, and even though the two movies are nothing alike it got labeled the “British Ghost” and that didn’t help it’s popularity.

My heart breaks for Iman (this photo also from their wedding day), that she might have any exposure to this awful woman saying anything and everything to gain attention in the wake of his death. It’s really despicable.

Sigh. Now I’ve lost two of my secret boyfriends. I need another box of wine.

That was taken at his wedding to Iman. Neither of those smiles looks forced for the camera.

Maybe around this time? So adorable.