
This is Default. And my husband who is also cute. But, mostly puppy.

Adding my two Pomeranian rescues because Mark Sailing has fucked my week even more than Trump could.

Dewey is also here to provide a adorableness break from alla the fuckery.

OMG. Adding my guy to the Mark Salling brain bleach brigade.

Naming animals is really fun! This is her newly adopted brother, Indiana Bones.

I die. He looks so squeezable. This is my puppy!

I approve of this change of topic. Here is my Scout (Snouticus maximus) being humiliated by a quilt to show moral support.

I am returning the favor with pictures of my puppies... Well, my puppy and my full grown 8-year-old puppy.

Puppy picture time! Your Shiba is so cute! This is my foxy dog, Nibbles :)

No silly, the hot boob-man is the alien. His hotness is the 5th wave! They can take all our men if they replace with hunkiens-from-outer-space

It was superb. I really recommend viewing it in a space where you won’t be interrupted because it has a lot of impressive cinematography and the tone builds and shifts throughout the story.

If tv and movies have taught me anything, its that after the fall of humanity there will still be an endless supply of the following: guns, bullets, hair care products, makeup, razors, leather and athletic equipment to turn into sweet armor, working cars. Stylist and mechanic will be the to most popular jobs.

“We do have minorities in the film, it’s just that according to film law we find hur-dur funny, they have to die first. By the time the 5th wave rolls around it would really only be whites. The audience would have trouble buying the story any other way.”

Don’t lie, we both know we’d watch the hell out of a Killer Feminists from Outer Space movie.

Its good to know that during the apocalypse, when trying to survive in the woods, your hair will remain perfectly styled.

Wow, Moretz can flare her nostrils at least as big as mine. And I have a fat nose, y’all!

I’m not one of those Killer Space Feminazis. I don’t hate men. I can hang with the guys. #savethedramaforyourmama

And Only A I’m-Not-Like-All-Those-Other-Girls Girl Can Save Us All!
