
"Early Scorpions" is "Virgin Killer" and "In Trance," which fucking rule. (Look up "Polar Nights," if you never heard it before.)

"But a respect for Dinosaur Jr.—a band that’s only peripherally grunge-related…"

Yeah, like this quote:

I just thought it was weird that the roof held up for three years, and then all of a sudden broke through in a DOZEN DIFFERENT PLACES just in the five minutes our heroes happened to be in the store.

Kind of weird that the ceiling with a helicopter on it lasted 2 years, and then a dozen zombies fell through it in a minute, just when our heroes happened to be there.

"He had a banal life-threatening illness, lung cancer."

Marie: "Can we please talk about something else?"

Spot on.

Good stuff.

Grey Matter, not so much, but for all the talk of how powerful Gus was back in his home country, I can't believe he doesn't have a few loyals who would take exception to WW knocking him off. Every season, Walt seems to get into trouble one more level over his head after he thinks he's solved it all. Maybe this year

The first record is fantastic. AC/DC and early Slade, with a splash of Ramones thrown in, and cheesy 80's keybords? Loosen up, man, have some fun. It's supposed to be dumb, and it was exactly what I needed a few months after 9/11 happened.

Great analysis, as usual.

I am totally expecting a Hank/Walt showdown this season.

"Beneath, Between, and Behind" is still my favorite tune from them.

And the next year, the first White Stripes singles came out. Thank god for that.

"Someone should tell Bob?" Um, since he's the one who introduced the Doctor in the first place, I'm pretty sue he's already been there. He even hinted to as much before he hit on Pete.

"Vaughn, who’s been on “asshole autopilot” for about a decade…"

This movie is EVERYTHING an action film should be. Tense, thrilling, intelligent and well-acted, with gorgeous cinematography and excellent pacing. I own this and have watched it many times, and if you've never seen it, do yourself a favor. It's fantastic.

Cool reply. I was born in '68, but I know Kent State wasn't until 1970. I could see how it all blends together, though. LBJ announced he was quitting (okay, giving up) only 5 days prior to MLK Jr. getting murdered, so it was a pretty rough week. And if we look at the differences between 1960 and 1970, it seems just

Not saying I wouldn't, but I still think Megan is waaay hotter. And even THEN, she's no Trudy.