beefaroni sandwich!
When I too was very, very poor, I had two things left in the house—SpaghettiOs and bread. Hence, the SpaghettiOs sandwich. If you thought it was hard to keep a Beefaroni sandwich together, this was a white-shirt nightmare.
beefaroni sandwich!
When I too was very, very poor, I had two things left in the house—SpaghettiOs and bread. Hence, the SpaghettiOs sandwich. If you thought it was hard to keep a Beefaroni sandwich together, this was a white-shirt nightmare.
This was maybe 10% correct.
Fact is, while you were reading Rolling Stone and Urge Overkill was selling 10-20,000 copies per record, they ALREADY knew and acted like they were rock stars. The whole idea was to have fun, true, and they were one of the few bands admitting they were glad to be rock stars. Maybe the only…
Yes, there was a "Match Game A.M.;" it was called "Match Game." That gameshow was so popular, they put another edition on during prime time. And it's still my favorite gameshow, ever. Great concept, generally stupid contenstants, a perpetually drunk cast of people who didn't really give a shit, and a host who handled…
That pretty much was the first time in three seasons that you could believe the shit that came out of Don Draper's mouth.
"Why don't you leave me alone and go home to your wife? On second thought, you stay here and I'll go home to your wife, and outside of the improvement, she'll never know the difference."
"Darkwind" is fun, free (well, payment optional) and totally dorky. An MMO with decent enough graphics, great physics, almost no system requirements, you become a gang leader in a Mad Max/DR2000 world. Lots of driving, shooting, and pixelated killing. I'm not here to shill, but it has been consuming virtually all of…
That movie was all about EVERYTHING, which is why is #3 on my all time list.
Yeah, that actually made me say "Awww…" when the annoucer said it at the end of the show, despite my being alone at the time.
I've skipped over every single one of ZMF's "all-caps, no puctuation" posts for about three years now. But I must point out that the difference between "your" and you're" seems pretty insignificant in comparison.
"I think the bloom is coming off Draper's rose for me. The Don Draper of season one was a bit more outgoing and charming. It's been a subtle shift since then, but these days every scene Don is played as terse and often just cranky. I know, I know, he's a square-jawed man of mystery, but aside from the dashing good…
Sorry about the spelling—that's "rating" and "appropriate", for you English majors.
"In particular, the contents of that steadfast doctor, Olivia Benford's (played by Lost alum Sonya Walger), flash should have more emotional impact than they do." Not following that logic—she seemed pretty torn up about cheating on her husband to me.
Yeah, that kind of made me do a "WTF?" , too. Kind of makes it hard to believe the rest of the review, ya know?
I would start with Bug, although I like YLAOM slighty better (but that's like comparing supermodel blow jobs.) And actually, this here Farm thingy is a pretyy good place to start. Yep, it's that good.
Don't neglect "Pinups", his album of 60's covers, released after "Alladin Sane." Yeah, it's an album of covers, but if they were ALL this good, you wouldn't cringe before hearing it…
The Sweet: "Sweet Fanny Adams" and "Desolation Boulevard" were combined into one album with the latter's title for US release; both ROCK, as does the live album ("Give us a Wink"—check out "Someone Else Will".) They WERE bubblegum for a while, but when they broke free of the Chinn/Chap yoke, they wrote some fine…
Three words to destroy that theory: "Sweet Fanny Adams."
First time in Austin.
Never been to Austin, but I'm going down there for two weeks to visit my little brother during my spring break, but as I'm coming back on the 17th, I will miss everything. Right?
Ah yes…Corey must be getting old, too…
Oh the Possibilities—thanks for making me laugh.