rough talkin em

“You have dealt with an unbelievable slanted and negative media and have come out beautifully” sounds 0% like something Bill Belichick would say, and 100% like something Donald Trump would say while reading a blank page he is pretending is a letter from Bill Belichick.

I think the Billy Haisley genius level answer would be to go back in time 110 years and start a soccer league that people cared about. Don’t know why US Soccer cant figure that out.

I know this plays into your narrative that the MLS is terrible and all, but the Italian coach is just wrong and saying Gionvinco isn’t good enough to play for Italy because of MLS is just idiotic. MLS is at least as good as Liga MX, and Gignac seemed to more than be up to the task at Euro 2016. MLS is bad because of

MLS, a bullshit soccer league more invested in protecting its owners from the forces of competition than in producing top-level competition on the pitch.

What’s your solution to this? Eradicate MLS? Say it sucks all you want, but it’s the soccer product in the United States. Would you prefer to watch the NASL, or just ignore United States soccer leagues completely, and never have an enjoyable product to watch locally?

Why didn’t you just copy/paste this when Conte said the same thing for the Euros?

I know Screamer is gone and all, but at least give us some soccer insight of substance.

are you just bored or something?

Surprised that drive didn’t end with a pass too.

Nah, Trump sensed a draft come into the room, so he was dodging it.

And just think, the only reason this game is in Cleveland tonight is because the American League won the Pro Bowl of baseball back in July.

“it’s a gritty, tough, hard-working shrimp. The word that probably best describes it is tenacious.”

Oh man, you might be half right.

+1 more thinkpiece complaining about thinkpieces

I made my dad marry my mom

This complicates how we look at what led to his death, but doesn’t lessen the tragedy of his death, doesn’t devalue the loss felt by his family, friends, Miami and the Cuban-American community.