That was exactly why. I wasn’t even aware that was the day that they were doing it each time but it checks out. Now that it’s been pointed out as to when the announcement will come maybe I won’t feel that they’re rushing it as much.
That was exactly why. I wasn’t even aware that was the day that they were doing it each time but it checks out. Now that it’s been pointed out as to when the announcement will come maybe I won’t feel that they’re rushing it as much.
While I am excited for Tearaway: Unfolded, I’m starting to feel like Sony keeps doing a last minute scramble for PS Plus games while Microsoft seems to have some sort of a plan before the first of the month.
The story fits in between Hobbit and LotR. They don’t force any unnecessary characters into it, one character does show up, but he fits with the overall setting and story, and I felt it worked well with the existing timeline.You get some backstory on the rings and the original creator as well as seeing Mordor before…
Glad I’m not the only one who saw him.
We purchased the male at an Exotic Animal Expo over 17 years ago before there were any regulations in the Pacific Northwest for crocodilians. He was only about 7 inches long and was still considered a hatchling. The female was a rescue from the Seattle area and had suffered damage to her tail and back due to frost…
During the warmer months with a full day of sun coming in to their enclosure they will eat 1 to 2 chicken quarters a day, each, sometimes more. Less in the cooler months, even with them being in a heated indoor enclosure. During the winter we rely on them letting us know when they are hungry.
I don’t know about the alligator in the story, but my family feeds the two that they have raw chicken. Yes, they have all the permits and abide by all the conditions that have been placed on them by the Department of Fish & Wildlife.
I’m hoping Sony gives us the option to order our own customized controllers like Microsoft has done with Xbox.
Thank you for posting trailers for ALL the games, since the Playstation Blog couldn’t be bothered with it.
But does the game still have to be open and active for the accessory to work?
I have a feeling that Sony will announce the PS4 Slim the way Microsoft announced the 360s, they’ll reveal it and it’ll be in stores at the same time.
Played through but I felt like I missed something when it ended. Pleased to see they went with more of an atmospheric creepiness instead of resorting to forcing jump scares, unless I somehow missed those. If I was all my fault.
I had to make sure this was here.
I purchased some of these myself a few days ago, and can’t get anyone to eat them. Even my children don’t like them.
This. Nintendo’s strongest platform recently has been its handheld gaming, with devices that neither Sony or Microsoft can compete with. If they give us a device more powerful than the New 3DS that I can connect to my tv when I want, and take with me on the go, it will be a day one purchase.
Blaster was the ghetto blaster. Soundwave was a microcassette recorder.