Yep. trump never thought past the election. Winning the popularity contest was his only goal.
Yep. trump never thought past the election. Winning the popularity contest was his only goal.
The best part is that Dump couldn’t just stay in the White House and pout or even haul ass down to Mar-A-LotsaTaxpayerMoney, he had to go hold a spite rally in Penn and force his toadies to cheer him until he re-bloated with false pride and vanity.
There’s a reason why conservatives rant about liberal snowflakes:
The best way to handle Milo is to starve him of attention. Don’t voice outrage at his stupid statements. Don’t print interviews with him. Let him have his troll festival but stay away. Don’t have a counter protest, that just feeds the beast.
My parents are peasants and my father was furious and immediately shut it down when my sister started seeing a therapist in high school after contemplating suicide.
You’d be surprised. I had to beg my mom for therapy after my dad was killed and even then she was more worried about how my going made her look. I was 13.
I like to think that Spicer is just a weak-willed man who was given a raw deal and says what he has to to keep his job. He’s been slowly looking more and more haggard with every presser and the duties of being the Secretary of Lies is taking its tole.
I am going to go out on a limb and guess that you’re a white, hetero man. Or haven’t seen any news about the actual laws both enacted and repealed that have a seriously deleterious affect on many non-white and non-men and non-hetero.
Oh, trust, I’m in therapy. It’s not about who won or lost. It’s about the implications that come with it. I am terrified DAILY about the fact that the place I go for my free mental health care can be de-funded any day because they provide contraception too. I’m terrified to leave my house wearing my Star of David…
Oh make no mistake, I’ve been pestering Congress weekly (it was daily, but I’m studying for the bar exam right now so I’ve had to taper off both drinking and pestering). I’m just so very, very exhausted.
I really can’t anymore. I just can’t.
Original is great, mostly because of Frederic March, who was always great.
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them.” —Maya Angelou
Couldn’t any gangbanger make the same claim? “The murderous, terrifying persona I use on the streets is all an act, it couldn’t be further from my true nature or my personality. I am a loving teddybear on my own time, but my day job representing MS-13 is performance art, and ‘Trigger Mike’ is just a character I play.”
This movie is gonna suck so bad it’s not even funny.
I can’t fucking stand that corpulent, conspiracy peddling, bulldog jowled, balding, paranoid, small dicked, unstable, proudly stupid, retrograde, racist, sexist, man tit having, xenophobic, homophobic, islamophobic, truthphobic, sociopathic, snake oil selling, blood sucking, gun stroking, jiggling bullshit salesman…
This morning on AM Joy, it was disclosed that Devin Nunes, (the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee) has his own ties to Russia. His vineyard’s distributor in Europe is a Russian oligarch/ friend- of- Vlad, and he didn’t disclose this. Conflict of interest much?
Alex Jones is probably the craziest media person out there. I know most of it is bull but Crazy Days and Nights had an absolutely bananas blind item about Alex Jones. It said that Joaquin Phoenix had to take out a restraining order against him because Alex Jones was convinced he was River Phoenix (his death had been…