
“She sometimes sleeps” is my favorite of Trump’s bogus “Clinton Health” arguments, mostly because he doesn't seem to realize that staying up all night spray-tanning, getting into fights on Twitter, and eating KFC is not, in fact, the healthy alternative to a good night's rest.

Just a reminder:

“how did we get here?”

Considering the way journalists have been treating her for the last 25 years, I can see why she’s hesitant to open herself up.

She’ll win handily, but a few percentage points down ballot could mean a world of difference in Congress.

those few percentage points mean the difference between the media branding it a whoopin’ and branding it a landslide. It’s worth it.

I’m torn over whether Heigl really is a bitch or whether she just got the “women should shut up and smile” treatment. Probably some of both.

....she’s not wrong about {insert any Apatow movie here}.

Hmm. Didn’t think it was possible to make this crappy movie any more crappy than it already was.

I loathe this movie for so many reasons, this alternate ending just makes it worse.

Or, she puts it on and looks like this

Old Rose gets caught trying to throw the necklace overboard. She chats with Bill Whichever one he is, he holds the necklace, and then Old Rose throws it over her shoulder like a fucking asshole.

I think that the author who created him has done little else of note.

Meanwhile, I still want a TV mini-series version of FEVRE DREAM.

I mean, the pitch practically writes itself: “Vampires on the Mississippi . . . from the creator of GAME OF THRONES!”

As long as they don’t include Superpimp with Supertantricsex powers, I’m in. And yes, this is really a thing in those books...

Counterpoint: the first couple of Wild Card volumes are much better written than comic books.

Croyd will clearly be played by a rotating cast of guest stars, since his appearance changes each time he sleeps.

Did you miss the part of the article where it said he’s not involved? People like you almost make new wish he worked on nothing but side projects from now on.

All the data we have from fact checking sites has her truth vs. lie ratio as far better than almost any other politician. When politifact’s numbers were running around a few months ago, it was her and Bernie neck and neck at the top and then a huge valley between them and all the Republicans. So yeah....she’s