
If she uses the “mercury” question, either she doesn’t understand the difference between ethyl-mercury and methyl-mercury and she’s an idiot. Or she does and is therefore full of shit.

Also, homeopathy is also bullshit. Magic water isn’t medicine. It’s a con.

I believe in licensing, liability insurance, mandatory yearly testing for safety and competence with the weapon. Fines if none of these are followed. See, no guns taken away. But you better damn well be a responsible owner.

Only if Austin gets to secede from Texas first.

Scotland already had a referendum on leaving and the reason it stayed was due to promises that the UK wouldn’t be leaving the EU. Now that this has happened, the Scots will likely vote to leave the UK and stay in the EU.

And when has a divided Europe ever been a problem in the past? /sarcasm

I’d be happy to share Cap. on an every other night basis. And omg, how creepy is that...

Troll, troll, troll.

Sorry about your hatred of elbows.


Why?! Why?! Sweet baby Jesus!

He’s a monster. And utterly devoid of anything mammalian in nature. Hell, reptiles are more caring. (I apologize to reptile lovers.)

There just isn’t a level of hell too deep for all the adults involved in this story. And what all the fucks. At what point to abandon your humanity like this? I just can’t.

Also, I’m exhausted from reading stories where my mouth hangs open in horror from the opening salvo. Ye gods.

She’s no talking about feelings, she’s talking about your shitty rhetorical skills. And calling a woman a cunt is incredibly sexist and if you don’t see that, well, you lack some basic skills and that shows you should not be taken seriously.

It’s just heartbreaking.

Oh, damn, me too. This so much this. And I’m trying not to say stuff like, “Go fuck yourself, you trolls” or “Seriously, if she were this diabolical, why isn’t she Queen of Everything already?”

This surprises me not at all. I’m a big Clinton supporter, but I haven’t put a sign up in my yard. I stopped posting stuff on FB. I rarely, if ever, commented on posts because the hostility was awful. The worst I think was a young woman who called Clinton many names, but capped it off by calling her a cunt. There’s no

Oh, one other thing. I think the Cheeto plans on having Ivanka serve as First Lady. The it’s a hell of a visible job.

You win the Internet and now you’re also my spirit animal.

I’m screaming inside as the last bit of my belief in humanity has been ripped away

He says some dickish shit about her (the whole “she’s so innocent” thing — which sounds like bullshit to allow him to look like a nice guy when he’s being a tool) and somehow she’s the villain in all this. I’m baffled. Does she have an image she curates? Well, yeah. It’s her job.

I’m not reading innocence off her.

In “Lovely Day” Bill Withers holds this amazing single note. It’s so much powerful than had he dicked around with the melody.