Thank god no one ever indulges in exaggeration or hyperbole to get a point across.
Thank god no one ever indulges in exaggeration or hyperbole to get a point across.
Well, I could be going out on a limb here, but I think her point is that no one can sing anything perfectly every time. And that she's finally gotten the the point of realizing that and has realized it's defeating to beat yourself up when you occasionally do fail.
This was a live performance. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but this kind of shit happens during live performances. I've heard her sing this song before. And this is the first time I've heard her be even close to being out of tune. And in this case, the cold weather was the likely culprit.
There's a lot of reasons a meal might cost that much. First is the skill of the chef and the quality of the ingredients. Second is the level of service and the ambiance. Third, the pair of wines and other kinds of alcohol with each course.
Yep. As in losing its resilience and pink youthiness. But estrogen cream is the shit.
I'm the same age as Madonna: 56. Frankly, at 56, I'm an old lady. It's cool. I'm in the youth of my old age. I will say, I'm tired of the level of photoshop on her. Showing lines and wrinkles would be more rebellious than that poreless perfection. (Yeah, I went there.)
You need to start a magazine.
Sooner than you think. I got mine in my mid-forties. It was a bit of a shock. As in immediately calling a friend to say, "Jesus! I just got my first grey pubic hair."
Well, at the time, she was ridiculed for wanting to better herself intellectually. I think she was quite bright, but poorly educated. And I hate the contempt people have for her — she was smart enough to create a persona that has survived well past her death. That isn't the work of a stupid person.
Or Anne Wilson singing the shit out of "Stairway to Heaven" in that same show. Go to the 15 minute mark.
Well, my wedding dress cost less than yours. It was a little more than I could afford at the time — and my parents didn't pay a dime for my wedding.
Sooooooo, when you bought yours, you were covered with privilege, right? But by donating it after your marriage it went south somehow makes your behavior superior to hers. Lovely.
Her dress. She can do with it what she likes.
Mr. rottenkitty once said to me with great indignation, "You destroyed me! I have to have clean fluffy towels now." So, progress.
I'm still at home. And really, I'm very lucky. Mr. rottenkitty never gives me shit when the house is a mess. He's pretty laid back about it. I put more pressure on myself than he does to keep up with all those roles. (Social, household, financial, gardening, and so on.)
I was the stay-at-home person in our relationship. Believe me, mr. rottenkitty never had to think about anything but his career. I don't mind that because that's what we worked out. However, unlike mr. rottenkitty, I never get to retire from my job. I'll be cooking and cleaning, doing the bills, dealing with all…
Yep. That was basically my point. Well said!
Sounds like overreach to me. But like I said, if they're really Christians they should be more forgiving. Right?
Unless he lives somewhere with some kind of homeowners association, if he owns the property, he can pretty much do with it what he wants. Also, if these people want to be real Christians, then maybe they should forgive.