
If McCain is reading this, if you end up being the deciding vote against passage of one or more of the repeal bills, and voted to open debate only to kill repeal dead, I will profusely apologize and eat all the crow you want. That would be one hell of a bad ass double cross.

It's probably the only show where that's not a weird experience.

He may just be hiring them so that Billy West won't yell at him for being a sell-out.

Hey some of us rely on The AvClub to lie to us so that we can still feel young.

Poor Matt Groening. Just can't keep a show on the air.

Well, that sounds a lot like Futurama.

Yes, the rats serve his dark bidding.

Because Zach crushes all dreams, and also provides so little help with childcare that Lane simply can't afford to leave her preexisting support structure.

Though a logical continuation of what Palladino put her through in Season 6. That was BLEAK, and ASP seemed not to realize it.

Gregg Henry was also the Trump-like Julius Caesar in the recent Shakespeare in the Park production that made a number of right-wing idiots demonstrate that they are, in face, idiots.

So you AND Sonequa Martin-Green's Mom!

Poor Buckley.

Just wait until your son fails geometry!

Indeed, and I don't mean to slight her work, but she wasn't the one with creative control over the TV show. It's not accurate to say that the TV show was a story told by women. It was told by a mixture of men and women.

Presumably it's a more direct commentary on racial injustice in 21st century America, and also it doesn't have the weird metafictional stuff.

Handmaid's Tale the TV show was actually created by Bruce Miller, and had lots of men on its writing staff.

Underground even also had alt-history aspects- most notably bringing Patty Cannon forth a couple decades to be Harriet Tubman's supervillain archnemesis.

I would suggest that starting what is still the bloodiest war in American history in order to protect the right to enslave million of people is a BIT different from failing geometry.

I want to go to your universe, but the prestige action drama sounds pretty dry.

One of those vacillating boobs was pretty close to the Presidency in 1864, and he totally could have surrendered the Union away.