I think that instead we should pan the real world for being painfully close to what's happening in a comic where Captain America is a Nazi.
I think that instead we should pan the real world for being painfully close to what's happening in a comic where Captain America is a Nazi.
Yay. Mozart isn't a perfect show (go away high-ligh, you are boring), but it's willing to do things no other show is doing (see the Riker's episode), while also letting Gael Garcia Bernal take fun working vacations, sometimes with Bernadette Peters.
Well, I'm going with the Orwell theory.
This. And also- why don't you care about whether Asghar Farhadi can't travel freely? It's obviously FAR down the list of dehumanizing cruelty caused by this order, but it's still restricting the freedom of an innocent person for no reason but bigotry, cowardice, and meanness.
No, but Cameron needs a new submarine fleet.
It's 17 chapters, though of very inconsistent lengths. I think it took me 2-3 hours total?
I want to be clear, if they want to do a second series in which Christina Ricci plays Zelda Fitzgerald, Scourge of Zombies, I am there.
I'm also a huge fan of Wreden's follow-up The Beginner's Guide, which feels like a conversation about feeling like you are having a conversation with the developer in a way that few game manage.
Oddly, both the network and literally every other member of humanity was unconcerned by the implication that she had killed and eaten Richie, and then changed her name to escape prosecution.
I love New England, but "Winter" is a reason.
Tomorrow, we'll write a thinkpiece on whether the constant rehashing of disagreement's about La La Land is diluting the power of La La Land thinkpieces.
Really AV Club? Really?
We obviously don't have traffic numbers, but 500 comments. Ain't no gossip the AV Club isn't willing to dredge up for enough clicks.
I really do think it is Rob and Laura. Everything is right- the actors have stunning chemistry with each other, and the characters have a relationship that both makes sense and generates believable friction. They can work together, and they can work in opposition. And ultimately you have two performers with the talent…
…and then you never look at Richie again, because his parents are so cool and sexy and funny and he is so boring.
And now is attempting to dramatically cut funding for embassy security.
Yup. Everything Legend SAYS is correct, and I think Chazelle knows that, but the structure of the movie treats him as wrong.
One thing that's interesting is that this is a movie where one character is highly nostalgic for mid-century jazz, and the other for a certain kind of mid-century glamour embodied by Ingrid Bergman…and this is expressed in pastiche of MGM musicals.
"I knew I was in trouble when the big opening number, which is on the
surface the kind of thing I love to watch, just reminded me of a Diet
Coke commercial."