
Ugh. I’m not a woman in sports but I am a woman in sciences. The notion that someone telling you “I don’t really think you can do that because you’re a woman” is motivating is nonsense. Being told that once might fill you with righteous anger to work harder for a while. Being told that every day, for years, by the

Yes, I took the low side estimate from the CDC for I think 2005-2013, the high side was, I think 59,000. Their stat said that since flu often leads to other deadly illnesses that are what is listed on a death certificate, it is hard to be precise about the true number of flu related deaths.

I live in a historic neighborhood, where you can't tear down the lovely little 850 sq ft houses to building a monstrous tow home unless the house is condemned. Then it is time to cash in! I watched in horror as my new neighbors built a 2700 ft home on a 2500 sq ft lot, and they went low key for new builds around here.

The suggestion by TMZ that the flu couldn’t be this serious is also silly, ~3000 people are thought to die every year from flu or flu related illnesses.

He does just look totally delighted to be there. I like someone whose Dad is a Beatle who still dorks out in public to great music and in awe of great musicians.

For me they push the same button as bangs that require you to hold you head at a certain angle, they seem to require the wearer to be a mannequin.

I think it would bother me less to have my boobs bare than have them partially covered, partially supported and just looking like they are squeezed in and sagging over. Def. no dancing in this top.

So, I can’t believe I care where Watt lives, but unless he’s moved, Wattt lives in a part of houston that didn’t get much flooding. Most of the high water has been north and west parts of the city.

I had good luck once with using diluted tea tree oil on the carpets inside a wet car to prevent mold.

Yeah, this storm caught me off guard too, it's been so humid with on and off showers I didn't even check the weather last night. Until the flash flood warnings on my phone woke me at 1:00 am. Sorry about your car, I hope it is recoverable.

I think this is probably genuine. I've heard Clinton interviewed about one of her stranger habits, she routinely eats hot peppers because she believes it helps rev up her immune system. I bet after thirty years of eating jalapeños straight most food tastes a little bland.

I totally agree with you. With the percentage of people who spend time in prison, which we know is concentrated in some areas, the fact is we would all be better off if people came out of prison with better mental and physical health than when they went in. When you take into account the family and friends of inmates,

Yes. I worked with a man who is alleged to have sexually assaulted very young children (he’ll be coming to trial soon). After the news broke the work gossip often focused on his likely rape or other assault in prison. It is kind of sickening to hear people talk like this so casually about a person they know. Once you

Except that most zoos are not profit making enterprises, this is where Seaworld is an anomaly in the community. The non-profit versions of Seaworld that I can think of, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Long Beach, and the Shedd, are major forces in ocean conservation and research. Their animal habitats are focused on animal

I'm always embarrassed about this, but I still love it. There is only so much they can do to poor Meredith, and I thought they ran out when they had her almost drown in season 3 (I think?). They keep it going though, and every couple years it gets so good again!

I try to enjoy shows that can only sustain a limited run of episodes. Sleepy Hollow reminded me of Ugly Betty, a show so off the wall insane that there was no way to maintain the craziness for the long term. The only person on network TV today who can is Shonda. Just when you think Scandal can't get more insane, she

I’ve only watched half the first season, but always intended to get back to it. She was a great character, I love that she was actually smart and tough rather than “feisty”. Nicole Beharie is a splendid actress, I hope we will see her in bigger and better roles in the future.

Yep, cute and fashionable, def. not Zara.

Yeah, I wonder how that works. Most shared living situations have some sort of governance, like a co-op or dorm, people are accountable to the group or a school that can kick them out.

I want her to sue pretty much everyone, Breitbart, trump, Lewandowski, fox, buzzfeed and the asshats who chased her out of her home. We need to get much better at investigating and prosecuting online harassers. They are not ghosts or magicians, they are real people who cause real financial and personal harm. They