
We call it Minnesota. 6’ is still tall in the upper Midwest, but I felt like a giant when I moved to LA.

I have a friend who was 6’ at 13 years old and wears a women’s 12 shoe. She used to have me come for moral support for shoe shopping. And she needed it, the salespeople acted like having big feet was her fault and there was no variety available. The Internet was a godsend for her for shopping.

It’s amazing when you go back and watch eighties and nineties shows. The gay jokes on friends, and the transgender jokes about Chandler’s dad in particular, are shocking now. At the time, the fact that they mentioned gay people at all, and had a positive depiction of a lesbian couple was progressive, even if it was

I think he did end up pleading insanity, I don't know if it worked.

I wonder if there is a correlation between the archetypes and likelihood of being alcoholic? The Mr Hyde obviously leads to trouble, and is almost by definition problem drinking, but I could see the Hemmingway style person going either way.

Or crazy, that’s the description I get when I have a male coworker who literally pats me on the head.

Johnson’s piece is great, she is measured and thoughtful in response to something that would be a minor irritation if it were not such a fucking typical experience for women in STEM fields. Every time you describe something like this it sounds so small and petty, like you should just not be so sensitive and get over

So unsurprising. When you are so certain that you are right and justified it becomes easy to accommodate all sorts of wrong actions. The story I think of when I see right wing chicanery is the biggest case of voter fraud in WI during one of walker’s campaigns: a republican man who voted a half dozen times with his

No, one of the main themes of the book is imagining others as complex people. Though You would never guess that from the trailer.

Hmm, whose buttocks are these? I’m ashamed that I have a guess, Beckham’s?

Politicizing medicine is very bad and so very necessary when dealing with something that conservative fuckwhits and antivax lunatics can bond over. I don't think there was an approach that would have been smooth sailing for gardisil. It just kills me that we could drop the cervical cancer so significantly and people

I’m on a funding review board for a large non profit. It is kind of striking how hard it is to get applicants to provide measurable outcomes. The best groups can point to a core service they provide, and how they use that service to match a client up with resources from all over. The worst will come in and talk about

I'm sure it is politically motivated as well, but he has faced strong primary challenges over it, and for his immediate need (stay senator of South Carolina) it is probably not the easiest stance to take. Also, it is nice to see a republican take a political,y motivated stance that is not restricting wic recipients to

Graham actually does care about immigration, it is part of the reason the tea party hates him. Graham sponsored an immigration reform bill that included a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants in the US. There's plenty to hate about Graham, but I think he genuinely cares about this issue. And he thinks Trump is

I’m just sorry this has stolen focus from finely drawn portrayals of the totally-not gay if-he is-a-dinosaur loves of the astronauts and dinosaurs genre.

This video? I used to live in Los Angeles in my twenties. We usually put our arms through the sleeves of our coats, and none of us had kitchens that beautiful. I do love the white sweater/orange skirt outfit when she is coming home from the flower mart. The black trousers when she is going out on the town look poorly

I hate stitch fix for a similar policy. I tried signing up about 18 months ago (maybe?) and was super excited to see my size, 14-16 as an option. I love cute clothes, hate shopping, and this seemed like a great option. So I fill in all my info and get a note that, unfortunately, stitch fix is not currently Offering

These look like fun women, I'd love to hang out with them. After I buy my lovely parasol.