I’m in a wallowing mood at the moment, this playlist is perfect! One of my old favorites:
I’m in a wallowing mood at the moment, this playlist is perfect! One of my old favorites:
My roommate (who smoked cloves and wore a beret, I was so jealous) and I would listen to the Sunday's and stare at the ceiling. It was one of our favorite activities. This entire playlist takes me back to 1997. Good times.
Wearing a head scarf is also a political act that identifies a girl as a member of a minority religious group within US society. I don’t think this was meant to try to convince non-Muslim girls that they should want to wear hijab clothing, it was meant to give them an idea of Muslim girls’ everyday experiences, which…
I’m 100% opposed to the death penalty, the case that has stalled OK executions is absolutely horrific in the suffering of the condemned person. Nitrogen asphyxia is a known method to euthanize lab animals and from my understanding is pain free. The gasping feeling people get is triggered by carbon dioxide rather than…
Ugh, this shirt. I think it is an asshole choice, and I can almost hear him saying ‘I’m wearing it ironically!’. A term that should be redefined to mean: I want to say/do/wear something offensive/hurtful/inappropriate that I know is wrong, but I don’t want anyone to be able to criticize me without being called a…
I heard a story on Npr a while back on the disparity of punishment between white and black students, with black students, even as kindergarteners, being suspended for bad, yet developmentally-predictable, behavior far more frequently than white students. The researchers suggested this sets kids up both by creating a…
At my high school one of the teaches married one of his students when she was 18 and had graduated. She was 2 year YOUNGER than his son (who was my brothers age). All the kids knew they were dating when she was in his class, even though the grownups were oblivious. There is a world of difference between twelve and…
I think it would be more fun if they meant they expect you to wear a ruff, doublet, and hose. I wonder how much one would have to donate to the Literature department to make that happen.
I don't understand how the miraculous pants not crush balls? Is it just that they are a soft fabric?
The rationalizations for why men get paid a premium is so fucking tiresome. We always try to explain away these differences, when the most persuasive argument for their existence is thT they are present across all fields (including woman dominated ones like nursing), all age groups, and all education levels. The…
Forgot the finish, the website is annoying to me, but I don't think it is crazy clueless or entitled. If I knew them, I would probably buy them a campground pass.
I thought so too, so I went to go look at the honeyfund (that word makes me gag a bit). It is set up so you fund specific things, a night in a hotel, or a dive excursion. Most of the items they chose are pretty modest, like a hotel for $67 a night in Madrid or $20 for a campsite. Def. within my budget for the wedding…
They definitely do this, my brother does food marketing and the ethnically ambiguous family is a cost saver. They feature interracial couples for the same reason and because sometime they'll get boycotted by someone awful (excellent free media for the brand when they tell the awful people to fuck off). That said, the…
Almost twenty years ago I saw an episode of fanaddict on mtv, this show where a superfan would get to meet their idol. Latifah was on it, her fan was a survivor of domestic violence and addiction and talked about how Queen Latifah's music made her feel strong and like she could make it. Latifah was gracious and…
You also have to be careful about burning your network. I'm in the asked-for-help position now (yay! Finally!) and am happy to refer people to a good information contact, and try to help from the inside but it costs me something every time. It would piss me off for someone to waste my time and social capital within my…
Keeping your resume and linked in updated is also a good strategy for if you have a boss that snoops to figure out if you're looking for a new job (like mine! She should learn that looking at someone's profile is not anonymous!). I update mine every year at our assessment time, you have to fill out your job…
There are three in the republican field right now that could be in the illustrated dictionary alongside backpfeifengesicht-a German word meaning a face in need of a punch. Cruz, Paul Ryan, and Scott fucking Walker.
That iS such a great song and so much fun to play. I played clarinet as a kid and Benny Goodman was my favorite ( pretty easy to choose as he is one of two clarinet players I'd ever heard called by name). The call and response between sections is my favorite part, you feel them creating conflicts and resolution,…
Holy cow. Do you think she meant it as an indictment if a corrupt system? Like saying that speaking up in our current setting will lead to you being fucking destroyed, so really coerced sex is a better alternative? It's certainly shocking and appalling enough to bring attention to disgraceful treatment for those who…
That is really what makes her reminiscent of Joan Rivers, Rivers worked harder and longer than anyone.