
If their hands are clearly busy trying to push you off or trying to get you to back off, yes.

I get the feeling of her being condesending about the concept of concent, the same why frat bros like to claim that they will need to get signed permission before anything happens.

I’m pretty sure Brie Larson is the new Brie Larson. Making her own life and career without turning into someone else.

Here is where I’m going to be a touch annoying.

I think they are dressed up as West’s song Gold Digger, hence being miners with dirt on their faces.

it helps

My money was on Dresden, ahem....Papa Lance, for being the one in the grave. Partly because I’m hoping this show will refrain from putting love interests into the ground. And I think Felicity would be too crushing of a blow.

Shit. I will be 40 when those unannounced movies come out.

Or maybe he’s sick of answering questions things he hasn’t decided yet.

Is there a point where we are legally required to no longer refer to Frank Miller as legendary.

Source Code was interesting. But definitely missing something.

Oh, in that case.....yeah, I’ll stick with my stance.

I’ll argue that Moon is not a “hollywood directorial debut” but an independent film that got a wide release and was success. Much like District 9.

Ok, that’s weird.

I’m not giving any praise to a bunch of fat shaming assholes.

The text seems to help make it not as horrible an experience to watch.

oh.....that’s not a good thing.

Listen, the test card girl with the clown told me this was the real world.

All those fade to blacks makes my brain feel like I’m having a stroke.

Not the venue for it, but I really just look at Let’s Play the same way I look at sports.