
Guys can wear shorts in your office. I’m in Chicago with 90’s all last week, and all the guys are still in long sleeves and long pants. Partly because the internet and society thinks guys are a social deviant or a loser by showing off any amount of skin.

I really enjoy Jon, you I can tell he’s done.

I’m a ‘guy’ and sorry, every day is a day without sports at my place. Can we stop clumping people into homogenous groups, marketing firms.

Ha! How dare those clueless fathers want to find a small way to be a part of the their daughter’s lives. Just go live at the office and send home money, old white man.

I was working on a comic book with an artist. His wife would occasionally go off about how she doesn’t think women should be creative, or draw things.

For years growing up my Vietnam Vet neighbor would shoot off fireworks, and as I got older I’d help him prep and launch of the fire works. We did a lot of prep to make sure everything was safe.

There is fear. Especially from groups.

Yeah, that is really messed up.

As a male victim of sexual assault I’m a bit more concerned about the people running than the people watching on this one.

What’s also not going to help, is having her name now associated with hundreds of versions of the article about being fired for disliking the job before she started it.

Thanks for the article.

I wouldn’t be particularly thrilled if someone was going to flash me their vagina or dick, either.

I lucked out with my therapist and insurance. It's a $20 co-pay. Or else I couldn't keep it up.

I'm not saying they are having any effect on the real world.

It just seems disrespectful.

Yeah, but these people aren't fictional characters. They are real people with real friendships and relationships. People are deciding that their sexual identity doesn't mater and what the writer wants matters more. This is seriously messed up.

Fan fiction about real people is not cool.

I've never been offered free alterations for a suit I've bought. Not even mentioned as a suggestion or that it was a option of something I could do. When I've asked it's always been extra, and sadly I need them. I kinda assume most people do.

We are on track for that by picking apart how he dresses two days into his campaign. [thumbs up!]

Until recently, I never knew this was a gender thing. As a male I've been constantly told to smile my entire life. Mostly by women.