
I'd say paranoid people who live in the 'burbs and small towns.

I don't know if I live in bizarroland, but yes. Totally hear people say crap like that.

And yet people say that about shoppers and anyone that buys lotto tickets.

Even with offline threats, the police don't seem able to do much unless it happens right infront of them.

yeah, that objectification hypocrisy thing on this site in general always seems to bother me. Very clear that any objectification is bad, but look how hot this guy is.

trying and failing.

What!? the girl that cuts my hair at Sports Clips doesn't really like me??

It's super weird that someone would think their gender should entitle them to something special.

Just going to a normal bar in the city for a, $40 isn't exactly "We're going to have an awesome night!"

Anomaly is the right word. You can't call 2 a trend. And it's never really happened before and is an outlier from the trend it is an anomaly.

Everytime I watch sports that are insulting and obsessing over how the male athletes dress, and look. Asking them to twirl is not out of the question. Infact, I'm pretty sure it has happened on NBA pregames at semi regularly to show off a suit.

That's always my disappointment with the menswear. Really isn't anyway to mix it up or have personality. It's just 'Wear this tux uniform'.

there are room for jokes. I've been in the deep dark gallows humor ranks. I don't think spousal abuse jokes belong in the same place that condemns rape jokes with a fiery passion.

I'm not down with this eye for an eye crap. Lead by example.

The thing is that I would ignore these comments and jokes on an other site. But here, I would expect better behavior with it comes to spousal abuse.

So you laugh at women being abused by their husbands? Because we are looking at spousal abuse and mutilation.

I'll go for the "as a photographer" route as say peach fuzz covered ass (if she had one) was never going to show up on camera in that lighting, etc. But a black bar is going to sell the narrative they want. Or she had the world's worst wedgie.

This may be the Ace part of me speaking, but can we just not reduce random people down to how bangable they look?

id say community monitoring worked well here. People found it. Reacted. The book was pulled.

Publishing houses also discriminate against women because they don't feel their book will sell.