
It may happen. I can't think of many other reasons to build doors like that, aside from a race.

I'm normally pretty quick to defend that a photo is real, but no, this a photoshop fail. There is also no room for Sherlock to stand between Watson and the wall.

I honestly thought for a second they were having some kind of dino racing going on.

Naw, Kirkman has told him, "Dude relax. You're on lunch boxes. We can't kill you."

In the invisible man episode, there is a guy dressed as Mal in the background of a scene where they go to a place where everyone is playing an MMORPG

I know this is not a popular question, but one I'm curious about.

Everytime I see Anna Kendrick since Scott Pilgrim, I keep thinking she needs to play Michael Cera in a movie.

Either it's because I'm Ace, or I'm just not reading the right books, but I've never defined a book character as 'sexy'.

I may be assuming time travel is at play since Reverse Flash is from the future, and we've already seen a future newspaper, although that belongs to Wells.

My money is on that douchebag cop/boyfriend is Reverse Flash.

And none of that information was conveyed in the images.

At best, this Barbie is a Game Designer, or Graphic Designer.

I stand by my statement.

It's better be Tom Cruise if Jennifer Lawrence is making less than her co-star.

Which as much time as she spends in that scene, this makes total sense to me.

It's just going to be the continuing saga of Oliver sighing and trying to not curse at her.

sadly so.

I think with the logic of it's all based around the brides experience, then the guy has to propose. Not because it's pretty much his only role next to showing up, but it's one of the those check boxes of, "how did he propose?"

I thought I was keeping up with my comics, but alot of that was jibberish to me.

Oh, let's be generous. It's a big day and exciting thing to do. 100 fucks!