
Liz Vassey was Captain Liberty. Not Paget.

That's a pretty sweet map.

But if Hawaii changed inspite of the stability, that would be interesting. But we don't know from this data.

spelling and grammar skills where obviously not required for work. As seen above.

As someone who makes a lot of maps for companies, I'm completely guilty of this. If I can leave Alaska and Hawaii off a map, I will. They through off the scale and balance for my artist snob sensibilities.

but that is exactly why Hawaii is interesting.

I was bummed that I didn't get to see more of the show. Was liking that there was a whole evil team forming. Especially with Liz Vassey from the Tick (and I'm sure other things)

As much as I love him on that show, I'm endlessly amused with how publicly he hated that show.

Watching Mallrats when it hit video, I couldn't think about anything but how weird and wrong Rooker looks with a shaved head. But now he looks weird when he has hair.

I think alot of people likes to see, "Oh look it's future _____!" But once they see it, then those people just want to see the next one or want them to become who they are known to be. Sure a nod here and there is cool, but they will burn through everyone my midseason.

The idea of Gotham still baffles me a bit.

I can't argue that it does appear to be lazy casting.

Actually, I want to know why the hate for a younger Lex.

Yeah, I had a ton of issues with the ep as a whole.

I think there could have been a better way to get the kiss in there.

That's what I was thinking.

So since Daryl didn't go after and try to sleep with a girl half his age, we suddenly decided his sexuality is a question?

A whole article(s) about the mere appearance of a man causing panties to explode wasn't fast enough escalation?

I don't know. He looks like those guys in movies who lurk outside the girls window waiting to murder them in the dark. He's creepy.

He looks like a rapist to me.