
I really felt that a lot of them were out of character during the Neutopia ep, and felt it was hammer with old bad stereotypes attempting to pass as jokes.

Love the still on the trailer above. It's like a collection of mustaches.

Fair enough.

Well would be an article titled, "Events we would like to see on This Show" vs. "People we want to see have sex on This Show"

As someone who hasn't seen the show, this pretty much tells me that there is pretty much no other reason to do so aside from watching characters hook up.

The schematics basically look like a fancy rocket on wheels.

I believe the reason for the Doctor Who confusion is that Moffot is planning on filming the eps in 2013, but airing them in 2012. That way he can make sure that everyone likes the results before he films them.

Good thing Shaloub is the exception. Would be a shame to never see Galaxy Quest.

Problem is lack of a proper business plan in my opinion. Instead of working at making a product stable and making the lead brand stronger to bring up the smaller and weaker brands, they are in a panic and rush and trying make everything look like the thing that just did a little better then the rest until they all

I was unaware two instances marked a trend.

Also not a straight GL flick, but New Frontier adaption gives GL some justice.

fair 'nuff :)

I think in many respects, killing donna would have been nicer then what they did do to her.

For the last time. There were not all the purgatory for the duration of the show.

Saw a screening of this last night. The whole flick rocks. Must see.

I think today the need for 'stars' in a movie is shrinking if the cast is good.

crazy thing is that they actually put him in make up for the character and did CGI over it. Sigh.

How cool would it have been if they actually built and operated all these aliens. or some of the outer space sets. I can't imagine it would have been more expensive then what they did.

Hey, even the government wants in a good indie zombie flick, right?

Nicely done. :)