Rose Is In Hell

What was the purpose of taking half a pound off of him??

It looks like they slightly tweaked her features to look more Caucasian. Compared to last year’s version where she kinda looks like an Asian person with died hair and contacts.

If it’s true, he’s become much too big to fall.

In a manner of speaking, he will be.

+1 for getting his username into the GIF

He’s fuckin trolling him up and down the court.

True but at all Nintendo events I’ve seen him at he brings a translator.

You can do better than that.

Even Ash has an Alola form.

I don’t think it’s necessarily unjustifiable though. I’m convinced if there was an exclusive male equivalent it would also be taxed rather than both items made exempt. People just don’t like paying taxes for things.

Don’t forget he first allegedly used it to rob a group of people. Wouldn’t be hard with a BB gun replica as good as that one.

Actually the veto was because it would take a tangible chunk of the state revenue.

Insurance coverage and tax exemption are two different things, as are tampons and the pill. Also considering the very low cost of tampons I’m going to assume you are not interested in exemption to save money, but rather to “make a statement” or something of that sort.

Just going to throw this out here...

Maybe someone can help me as Googling doesn’t seem to have the answer to my problem.

And an atrocious one at that.

Except it’s not a huge leap. That was kinda the point, they wanted an option for 4K TV owners but not alienate the rest of us.

They must have paid him a fat fucking sum to make him speak English. Am I the only one who noticed the lack of usual translator?

Not at all.

The first step to destroying a country is disrespecting it, and undermining its values.