Barry Allen: No stranger to being locked behind bars.
Barry Allen: No stranger to being locked behind bars.
Domestic violence is a terrible thing, and if Ms. Grundy's story was true, that sucks and I feel bad for her. That being said, it doesn't change the fact she became a child predator so fuck her. Glad that storyline is over and done with.
Plus, Octavia could use a friend right now.
I agree, it's incredibly annoying that Clark gets the blame for EVERYTHING. And not a single thank you from said "person" who tries to talk down on her for the blood on her hands for saving said "person" life.
Shit, no one one this show can catch a break. Anyways, I want Octivia and Indra's daughter to become BFFs and become a crime fighting duo and whoop everybody's ass.
Veronica continues to be my favorite character.
That fight NEEDS to happen.
Well shit, that one hurt………..a lot.
Exactly, it's been like this through their entire campaign. But the media's interest emails > bullshit.
Welcome, this is one of the better places to read comments on The 100. The folks here are a lot more civil and adult and plenty of insightful predictions.
Octavia is not here for the shits, and I'm here for it.
Curtis: "I've always wondered what my doppelgänger was like. Oh god, what if I'm straight?!?"
The thought of this is the only thing that could put a hint of a smile on my face.
RIP, our sweet rebel princess.
I mean, because why the fuck not 2016.
Why. The. Fuck. Not.
The final scene as Oliver approaches Prometheus paralleling how savage Oliver used to be shooting(killing) on sight vs him walking past all those dead bodies was beautiful in a creepy way.
Welp, the asteroid is suppose to hit before Inauguration Day, so this will all be over pretty soon.
"Hey skirt, call me."
Was Felicity the first person Barry told about Flashpoint? A lot of characters found out tonight, but she knew about it for a while now.
I was really hoping for Cisco/Felicity/Winn nerd talk.