
Just out of curiosity, since they were on the space station for all of their lives, when the hell did any of them learn to drive?? Or am I missing something?

When she showed up I yelled "A wild Clarke appears!".

I felt like when Octavia was beating the shit out of Bellamy, she was doing it not only for herself, but for the audience he pissed off this season with his bullshit shenanigans.

Remember, this is only the trailer for the trailer.

This trailer has a super dark feel to it but for some reason I have David Bowie's "Rebel Rebel" playing in my head as I'm watching it.

This episode made me think: Wilson Fisk or Damien Dakrh??

"The One Where Ross Was Suprised O.J. Got Off"

*sigh* whatever……

No, no, no, EVERYTHING is Pike's fault.
-Me getting a C on my exam: Pike's fault
-The Flash on hiatus for the next four weeks: Pike's fault
-Donald Trump running for president: PIKE'S FAULT.

No, the ones who made those awful comments are awful.

Almost every comment section about that episode of The 100 was like a war zone. Shows the awful sides of online fandoms.

Everything is Pike's fault:
Lexa's death, Pike's fault
Lincoln's death, Pike's fault
Bellamy, Pike's fault
This season, Pike's fault.

Oliver's never seen a Harry Poter movie?? GTFO

Mark Fuhrman used a woman as a human shield and is employed at Fox News as a "Forensic and crime scene expert". Shocking.

So the show goes on a four week break after it just came back from a five week break. Great job CW…

Barry gave a pep talk AND relationship advice?? What universe is this??

Sooooooooooo, it's not good? Cool.

"The One Where Ross Tried to Bail On OJ but It Was too Late in the Game"

Damn you Buzzkill Jay, DAMN. YOU.

So Fuhrman, undercover Nazi or no???