Rory Triskaideka

Dasars, it breaks my heart to read about the desecration of that beautiful piece of your heritage, but I'm very touched that the person who did that paid penance and learned from his mistake. Were you able to piece the headdress back together?

Wait a minute, hold the phone. How does a woman taking photos of her daughters who were excited for this project, then posting those photos to Facebook to share with family and friends, translate to "she's exploting her children for her Etsy page"?

Those photographs on her Etsy are absolutely beautiful. How many

When I was working for a professor in the Art History Dept at my university, I helped her by scanning in a lot of ancient Japanese images. One of those images was exactly this. I was beyond traumatized. Took me years to get over that imagery. Years. ::cries::

I'd think that if it's possible to have blue urine (See: Blue Diaper Syndrome) or red urine (due to blood in the urine), then it makes logical sense that purple urine is very possible in certain individuals who are not taking medications or consuming food with dyes.

I honestly believe that most Americans a) struggle with their weight and b) feel guilty about it. It's a terrible thing. The saddest thing of all is that so many people are under the impression that everything is about calories. This really isn't the case. Fact of the matter is, most Americans are overworked and don't

Anyone who believes a 13-year-old CHILD can "invite it" is absolutely effed up in the head and needs to be kept away from all girls under 18. Or maybe even just kept away from all women in general.

Here's the thing. Many communities, especially small communities, have great pride in 1. The contributing families and 2. The Star Athletes. When someone is a football player AND the child of well-known people, the majority of the community will fight against any "black sheep" who says anything negative about the

I have a solution that will completely eradicate the possibility of recidivism. Give ALL murderers, rapists, and child molesters LIFE in prison (or the death penalty, depending upon the state). No exceptions. Allow them appeals every couple years or so in case perhaps an innocent person has been wrongly convicted and

I have no problem with his photos, videos, or utilization of a school gmail account to hook up with hot dudes (so long as this was done off hours). I *do*, however, find the use of grammatically incorrect phrases such as "must of" absolutely unforgivable.

A lot of people here seem to not realize that crude language, so long as it is typed in a manner that it can be blocked by filters if people have them up, is acceptable and not a ban-worthy offense. Calling people names, being rude or insulting, making threats, etc. are NOT ok, however. So you you're going to write to