Originally she was a model
Originally she was a model
This is true, but there’s a virus-genetics study out that indicates that there are far more cases here than have been diagnosed - something like 150-1500 IIRC.
Vodka (at least, most vodka) doesn’t reach the 60% alcohol threshold for sanitization. You may want to rethink that plan. EDIT:a bunch of people already said this, I see - my bad! Nevermind.
Pistol shrimp, IIRC
Indeed - the PTA I’m a part of just showed Abominable and we just, like, knew to buy the license. We didn’t charge for tickets, it was just a free thing for the kids and parents on a weekend night, but it’s still a public screening.
Goes amazingly well with corn on the cob, too, if you haven’t tried that
It used a personal anecdote but it was actually about not judging others’ preferences. It wasn’t about “Hey, I like this kind of coffee now.”
I’m a month late on this, but also — I would think there’s a limit on how much you could distribute without causing rapid hyperinflation. I ballparked it at maybe $25-$50k though done potentially-unreasonable assumptions. If everyone became a millionaire, though, then no one would be, really. $3-$5k might be ideal.
Not quite, two Dems (Collin Peterson of MN and someone from IL)
There’s not a typo in the recipe, is there? 325, 40-50 min? Is it different in a bundt pan? I went the bundt route and had to add 30 minutes to the high end of the time to get it to set.
Hi Kate! Chemist here. Please please PLEASE forgive the following and just consider it aimed at comment-readers if it’s stuff you already know or is too basic for you.
I read the paper you included from the group in Pakistan about UV measurement of caffeine. It’s a fine enough paper, but has some drawbacks that I think…
I’ve never t(Hg)ought of sustainability as t(Hg)e reason not to eat s(Hg)ark before, but it makes sense. Still, it seems like t(Hg)ere’s some ot(Hg)er reason many s(Hg)ark species s(Hg)ould be avoided... but it’s (Hg)ard to put my finger on.
Tiny thing I appreciated in addition to all the other wonderful stuff — Charlie imagines cherry pies as being made with maraschino cherries, which is totally in character with his general lack of experience with fruit (from The Gang Hits the Road, s5e2, we know he's never eaten a pear or a blueberry). He sees…
SMH at no one mentioning The Bloodening
Something’s off about either your math or mine, but I don’t think you’re correct. A standard Nissan Leaf has a 40 kWh battery, so even if you’re able to get 500W of solar power that’d be 80 hours to fully charge.
Yes, that's 100% true for my spouse as well.
Taylor Townsend?
Dammit, Red Delicious apples can actually be delicious, I swear -- we just killed it like we did supermarket tomatoes. It’s still never going to be the best apple you’ve had, but small-grower ones actually have flavor and crunch.
The adjunct thing isn’t necessarily true -- particularly at small colleges rather than universities. I never once was taught by an adjunct, because the liberal arts college where I went didn’t have them.
I see what you’re saying, but for me this is a really bad thing, for multiple reasons.