Justin Ross

Did one of my coworkers write this?

Not true. The Constitution leaves it up to the states to determine how their EC delegates vote. The move to fix the EC and make it consistent with the popular vote outcome is well underway. Twelve states and DC have already passed the law, accounting for 181 EC votes.  With 89 needed to reach 270, the magic number,

Why are rural votes more important than urban votes? 

Because there are more people that aren’t in rural areas. Rural people should not have disproportionate representation the way they do now. Check out the map that The Dreaded Rear Admiral posted above. 

It’s almost like it would mean everyone’s vote would matter, from the Republican in California, to the Democrat in rural Mississippi.

If you don’t mind well-known unauthorized sources, it looks like it’s available that way.

Gosh, I’m so glad at this point that the Democratic Party was so committed to civility and comity towards their Republican brethren during those years of the Obama administration when they had a Senate majority. I mean, yes, they would have been able to pack the courts themselves and prevent the Republicans from

I used to HATE being tickled when I was a kid. It would make me angry but telling people to stop didn’t often end in stopping. It’s about teaching kids they’re allowed to have agency of bodies and teaching adults to listen to a child’s wishes.

Comer blew my everlovin’ mind in that show.  She’s spectacular.

So you want tyrannical rule of the minority by the majority?

If the works are fiction or do not target an individual, should they be pulled?

maybe dont comment on things women should and shouldnt wear ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. especially if you’re not one.

Some other choice quotes from the video (which is honestly worth watching in its entirety). Apologies in advance for any typos:

Hell, if it results in a quality game like Dead Cells then they’re clearly doing something right.

But on a serious note, worker collectives are a great idea that are actually extremely viable in many fields and industries.

Damn grocery stores too cheap to pay cashiers a decent wage and now want me to do work for em? Don’t mind if I liberate a few carrots and onions...

just FYI, skip the hot water. It’s not hot enough to kill anything. It’s really not about what you see (dirt/grime) but what you don’t see. But other than that yeah good stuff. When I tell people that hand sanitizer is good for like a minute if you don’t touch anything and less if you do.

$10 a month for almost anything I can think of vs. $10 for a single new album? I know what I prefer.

Yeah, it’s totally suspicious when you respond to a call about gunshots and find people running away and ducking behind cover.