Maybe they’re hedging their bets, just in case the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact gets the EC votes it needs?
Maybe they’re hedging their bets, just in case the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact gets the EC votes it needs?
Everyone should just defer to Wolfram Alpha on this, because it’s fuckin’ Wolfram Alpha.
AND TAPE YOUR NIPPLES. For the love of god, tape your nipples. Please. Nipples. Tape ‘em.
Zip-up swaddles are a must, and I say that as someone that can blanket swaddle like a pro. Zip that little worm up and get on with your routine. Boom, done.
Just unspeakable!
Naw, those people are losers, too.
I mean, it sure *seems* like you’re the one obsessed with Bernie. Weird. This article was just about how Biden is a creepy fuck and how quick so many “WE BELIEVE WOMENNNN” liberals are to be like “Oh wait, a woman of color is accusing a white dude of doing something we literally have video of him doing repeatedly ...…
Uh, there was literally one mention of Bernie, and it was by someone else, soooo ...
Oh, and the stl is in MM.
Okay, so, I have basically zero experience designing for 3D printing, especially trying to do snaps, BUT, I’m hoping this will work. It’s two parts. One that screws onto the jar, and one that snaps into place and should ... hopefully ... swivel. I’m hoping I did the tolerances right, and that it actually snaps…
Wellllll now I’m firing up Shapr3d to see if I can make something. GEE THANKS. :)
Yeah, it’s a pretty gross habit if you think about it. The solution we picked up from some friends of ours is telling our son to “say your goodbyes”. He knows that means he can give hugs or kisses if he wants, or just a wave or whatever.
I mean, the article didn’t use the word rape at all, so ... *shrug*.
Same, actually, for the most part. I’ve hated brushes in the past because they were angled wrong or whatever (and don’t get me started on the little palm brushes). After having a kid and having a bottle brush around, though, I got used to it pretty quickly and it’s my go-to for dishes now. Oh, and a small bamboo…
Dish brushes! Actually, bottle brushes. Not the flimsy crappy kind with delicate little bristles and scrunched-up sponges attached. Something like the Oxo Good Grips Bottle Brush (looks like a short toilet brush).
Well, neither of those replies have anything to do with whether emulators themselves (not the ROMs) are illegal, sooooo ... what’s your point?
Okay, and our stupid senate structure wouldn’t have changed that. Literally the only “tyranny of the majority” the senate is designed to stop is one between states.
And on the flipside, being a voter in a larger state means your senate vote is worth a fraction of what someone in, say, Wyoming has. How is that better?
What centrist bullshit is this? The real world isn’t some magical place where the “correct” answer conveniently lies squarely in the middle of the two furthest sides (as though any position can be simplified to a simple single axis). Arbitrarily choosing three people from one party, three people from another, and one…