Justin Ross

I need zero snow. Any snow is too much. :(

I’d consider it, but really, snow is the worst thing. Why can’t Canada just be California? Maybe they’ll adopt our state. That’d be nice.

Right? I loved “this is a good baby,” like he was picking out a melon at the grocery store.

Oh, I have. I can’t even really imagine growing my hair back out.

Haha, yeah, I haven’t ever had much of an issue with it. I started buzzing it as soon as my head started outgrowing my hair, and shave it to the skin these days (though, I’m usually too lazy to do so more than once or twice a week, so I usually have a couple days’ growth on head and face).

I have to admit, it’s really fucking impressive how quickly James Deen has managed to replace Tommy Gunn (that guy weirds me out, but in a completely different way) at the top of my “mainstream porn actors I really don’t ever want to see in a scene again” list.

As a man that started losing his hair at 19, and on behalf of other bald men everywhere, I thank you for your peculiar taste.

I’m thinking it’s just an unfortunate piece of texture on the backdrop, personally. There are a few similar bits across it.

Saga is so damned good.

I don’t think anyone is acting like Adele’s music is “more relevant”. She’s just an absurdly talented musician, regardless of the color of her skin.

I’m a diehard Bernie Sanders supporter, and thought this post was amazing. :)

I hate to say it, but... give Gotham another chance. It is easily one of my favorite shows this season. It does such an exceptional job of mixing batshit ridiculous campiness with serious, people-getting-set-on-fire-and-blowing-up stuff. It got off to a weird start, but I will be damned if it hasn’t found its footing.

Agreed. Still trying to track it down. Very electro-swing-y, but not a song I recognize.

Well shit, now I’m all moist.

I totally agree on Ruby Sparks. That movie went from playful romcom to *dark*, kinda out of nowhere.

YES. Dragging is something done with some effort, causing the dragged object to slowly slide across the surface it’s on, *behind* the person doing the dragging. This girl is *thrown* across the floor.

The higher cost of MyPlate would be from the meat content, which would not add components that would improve health.

The Bear McCreary cover of Hendrix’s cover of All Along the Watchtower is one of my favorite things.

YES. This might even be better than the “Andrew WK doesn’t exist” conspiracy (which is up there with my other favorite; “Stevie Wonder isn’t really blind”).

Just FYI: In the UK, “dogging” means something other than your intended use. Something very, very different.