Justin Ross

Corgis, too. At a party my sister was having a few years back, her bigger dog pulled a costco bag of hamburger buns off the counter, and her corgi ate *all* of them. Like, 30+.

But... I’m not having gay thoughts.

Are you sure? I thought so, too, but even after I chose a bunch of news sources I cared about, it was showing me a bunch of stuff I didn’t, from a lot of other news sources.

Good description of it. It’s tense, but I felt like it was a lot of faffing about and then “OH GOD WHAT” for 20 minutes.

I wanted terror, dammit!

I read that as “THEM SHRILL BIRTHER BITCHES NEED TO GET DONE” and it didn’t really change the meaning all that much.

I think the problem is just which parts of the modern feminist movement gets coverage. Most sites/blogs/news outlets aren’t going to devote significant coverage to “feminists being completely reasonable in their demands, video at 11”. Instead, you get coverage of the “ALL PENETRATIVE INTERCOURSE IS RAPE” zealots that

Exactly. So many people that bristle at the mere idea that there might exist gender inequality then go on in the same breath to complain about men’s issues that are directly caused by the gender inequality they just got done claiming doesn’t exist.

The pilot got leaked awhile back, and it is entirely uninteresting. It’s basically The Blacklist, without the amusing charm-veiled-in-ruthlessness of Spader’s Reddington, or Elizabeth not taking any shit from anyone.

I expected to get bored with it really quickly, but I actually enjoy the gameplay and hardly even notice the illustrations/names anymore.

Elitism doesn’t help the hobby.

Yeah, I think you’ll probably like it, then. :)

I was really disappointed with it, personally. The trailer shows the 4-5 interesting/creepy things that happen in the first hour+ of the movie, and then the last 15-20 minutes put the pedal to the metal in, as Tracy mentioned, a complete tonal shift. The two clear, separate parts of the film definitely didn’t feel

Oooh. That's a sexy idea.

Hmmm... Imagine trying to get peanut butter out of a jar lined with this stuff. You could just slide the whole jar-shaped block out, but if you stick a knife in and try to get it out, it'll just spin around inside the jar.

I was going to say... why the hell would you put milk in scrambled eggs?

Meh @ "absolutely certain". If you can write "fairly certain", there's no reason you can't add a positive qualifier to "certain".

Google Apps user? I am, and I'm getting the same. We do tend to get the short end of the stick when it comes to cool new stuff.

Exactly. Awkwardness almost always comes from (or is exacerbated by) the tension of nobody in the situation knowing how to act for a moment. Not knowing what everyone else is thinking/feeling/wanting, etc., is a big part of that.