
The Belchers are going to Hawaii!

Was there any reason to make an entire medeival fantasy episode other than to leech off the popularity of Game of Thrones?

No one Shreks forever.

Here is a what his origin story should be: a bunch of Big Bang Theory Funko Pops fall onto young Sheldon’s head, turning him into an asshole.

Meh. The only part I found entertaining was the amusement park where the car went of it’s tracks and ran over a kid, also the bumper car deaths.

What music did Bill Cosby rape to? I’m going with free form jazz.

It’s a feature, not a bug!

Bojack’s inner voice is a scarily accurate portrayal of negative self talk and it’s one of the things I struggle with, but I have a great therapist who reminds me to have positive self talk and that I am too hard on myself.

How about we make fun of it and not buy one?

That’s all well and good, but when is the Mcrib coming back?

That’s all well and good, but when is the Mcrib coming back?

My predictions: Everyone is gaslighting Ally, her therapist, wife, babysitter and neighbors. Ivy wants her committed so she can get out of the relationship and have the house and restaurant to her self. Also Winter and Ivy will be a secret couple. Ally is scared of clowns because she was the victim of a clown gang

Roanoke seemed like the same episode only slightly different each time over and over.

The day The Manimal cried. Manimal desperately morphs into various animals as he tries to escape the gas chamber.

More like ZZZ

Oh the Inhumanity! I would rather watch whalers on the moon than Inhumans on the moon.

It was when Jerry Lewis was a special guest director, it’s now in his vault. Turns out having Manimal time travel to WWII Germany wasn’t a very good idea.

I am not a manimal I am a manihuman!

It’s more of train than a gangbang.

Plot twist: It turns out the conservatives are the mainstream and the liberals are the cult! DUN DUNN DUNNNNN!