
Show me on the human where the Chucky doll attacked you.

I'm going to go with the cat is stuck in the comatose human body. The body comes out of the coma before the man learns his lesson. Having sensory overload of suddenly having human intelligence, he just screams until he dies.

What happens to the cat's sentience? Is it trapped inside a comatose human?


The safe word is Martha.

Just bring a Christmas themed porno, such as "How the Grinch gaped Christmas". So everyone at the party has a good laugh and the winner drunkenly beats it at home later. It's a win win!

Emojis cinematic universe

Prenatal prevenge vengers of revengence.

Ask him about his Minions erotic fanfic.

But this one has different hair!

Whoever controls the data stream controls the truth.

*head explodes*

It's Crantastic!

The premise for this is so stupid that it makes Lifetime TV movies look like works of pure genius in comparison. And yes I'm including "Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life", about a high schooler who gets so fucked up on internet porn that he tries to drown himself in a pool.

It gave them another version of Harley Quinn to sell as a Funko Pop.

Depp propably has some kind of clasp that connects all those scarves together, like Mr T had with his gold chains during the A Team.

Why do MILFs love minions so much?

So is this droid the new Jar-Jar Binks?

Yeah good luck on finding that at retail now as they always seem to instantly sell out. Also out of the 3 Lego Advents, ( the other two being the City and Friends themes,) it's the most expensive at $40 minimum. Yeah I get that you're buying it for the Advent Calendar experience to share with you're child, but that's

An animatronic Tiamat or nothing.