
Golan is insatiable! (for crappy movies)

What my lightsabre lacks in length, makes up for it in width.



The male lead has all the charisma of a block of wood.

It's going to be a robot chicken sketch.

Bill's prison of giving a child whatever they want is pretty insidious.

It's a miserable pile of secrets.

*Flash forward a year later* J.J. Abrhams admits production of Force Awakens was rushed, stressfull and he had no idea what he was doing.

That would be a fantastic mini. But there is no way in hell that DC would allow such stories of one of their big three. And even if they did I'm afraid it would be: "hurr, hurr, hurr she ties dudes up".

But will the movie feature Wonder Woman's BDSM roots?

On the topic of The Wizard, even as a kid I thought it was bizarre that it had a child molestation joke.

I remember calling the line as a kid and getting strung along for time by the "counselors" for a straight answer. Also my father being SUPER PISSED at me for the big phone bill at the end of that month. Oh yeah, I also remember the insane wait time to just talk to a counselor.

If this is mild pedophilia, I hate to see what heavy is.


But cobblers are wizards! And Nike is like Voldemort or some shit.

Show us on the Luke figure where the prequels touched you.

That looked so video gamey. It instantly reminded me of Yoshimitsu from Tekken where he spins around in the air at you.

Liam Neeson does have that bloated alcoholic look to him in Phantom Menace.

Whatever happened to baby Jade?