
As much as I love Mega Man, the idea if playing on a touch screen sounds like a lesson on frustration. Hopefully it’ll support... Whatever controllers are supported on phones. I have a Moga controller from a few years back that never seemed to work with much.

I threw up a little bit just thinking about playing Mega Man II with a digital gamepad.

Potentially all of them!

Obviously someone got an 11 killstreak.

I can’t believe this deal is only $13 off the normal price. Wow these have gotten cheap.

I can’t believe this deal is only $13 off the normal price. Wow these have gotten cheap.

When I was a kid, I always said Power Rangers were a gay show. Guess I was right after all!

Also, Bill Clinton has ties to Epstein, which is one reason I think the Dem campaign hasn’t even TRIED to touch this one with a 100-foot pole.

why don’t some of the employees that won millions help chip in?

Seriously. Where has all of this puritanical pearl clutching been when we’ve had rap music and Howard Stern for the past 2 decades?

Lol, reporters put him there on purpose. Hilary campaign WANTED to run against Trump since it was their only shot at winning, with her being such a terrible candidate. And the media does her bidding.

Bad, bad, bad - you are supposed to be hooked on the marketing tripe.

Yeah, Dimebag Darrell thought he was just being greeted by a fan.

LOL...Google and Facebook do all sorts of questionable shit in support of Hillary and the tech media is mum. One of the few tech billionaires is discovered to be a Trump supporter. OH THE HORROR!

Now playing

The “starter edition” is free and surprisingly feature-rich, so it is definitely worth downloading to mess around with. As mentioned, the competitive multiplayer scene is pretty cut-throat, but the new co-op mode is a lot more laid back. You can try it for free as well. The single player campaign is a lot of fun even

If you’re playing for single player, or for the co-op missions, sure.

Ashley, I wish I could explain why this needed to happen. Just know, this needed to happen.

Funny… At this point in the movie, I was in hell too.

None of those things will ever happen. I'm sorry.

Nintendo fucks up online mode, news at 11.

it was still an odd and stupid gimmick, even more stupid with the 3ds, as that one has one larger screen and a smaller one (i love my 3ds but I wish it had a single, decent screen instead of two very shitty ones)