
What if we want to do the opposite? I am finding my mind likes and has zero problems being idle and zoned out, and rarely do I bother thinking of anything when I know I should probably be.

That’s fine and all but what I REALLY miss is the Fried Apple Pies :(

Man you just reminded me of this dip I bought at the local grocery store I need to go back and find out what it was because it was literally like CRACK

Funny.. after forgetting about this game for a while I went back to playing it on Xbox Live as of late. And now all of a sudden there’s a Switch version. 

It’s enough to make you cry. :(

lol isn’t he the one who begged Trump to run for president?

He’s showing his age when he doesn’t realize they’re now called “Vinyl Players”.

I would be more hyped for this had the Mega SG not already come out with the ability to load nearly the entire Genesis library from an SD card. Now however, for me the attraction of this is not really for the games but rather the fact that it’s an official product with artwork, and a cute little model for display.

I realize it’s a budget product, but it’s really too bad they couldn’t at least went with the simulated backdrop of how it’s really supposed to look. And why not include Space Invaders Part 2 as well? Instead you get a choice of colors or not.. not too enticing. 

As a frequent visitor since the early 80's (when it was mostly computer parts and clocks & stereos), in my view what happened was basically westerners en masse found out about Akihabara. And when that cat was out of the bag they helped to pick it clean for the most part over the past couple of decades. Naturally once

Thanks for linking it as I created a reddit account and upvoted it because why not. 

Not at all true.. people who support our natural gun rights would fully support us people of color (or any US Citizen really), arming ourselves. And why not? I think you’re slightly misguided.

How old are you now out of curiosity? I grew up an extremely picky eater.. but over the decades it kept gradually and gradually falling away. Now, I’ll eat anything.. but I’m also 50 years old at this point so... lol

And what about us black or brown people with guns? 

Well, as someone who had zero desire to watch this, now I want to watch it! lol

Highly highly dependent on where you were and what arcade. When arcades were legion the experiences were as varied as you would normally expect . As someone who traveled with my family in the early 80's between Guam, Hawaii, Japan, and California the arcade experience was all over the map and there were really cool

If they were smart they’d update Genie to the Will Smith version. :p

I might be mistaken but form the pic it looks like that’s the GBA SP-101, aka “Now with brighter screen!”.

He was talking about Eminem.

I don’t know but last year I paid 2 grand total less than the previous year, with all things being equal. I dug the tax cut. :)