
Do you have any of Analogue’s other products like the NT-Mini or the Super-NT? For both you shove in an SD card with the “jailbreak” firmware (i.e. just kevtris giving us gifts on the hardware he designed), and boom.. you’re in business. Regarding storage, it can load ROMS off the SD card.. same as with a flashcart.

Hrm? Guess I’m not understanding the question.. a Mega Everdrive X7 is ~$180, vs. jailbreaking the NT Mini, Super NT, and (hopefully) the Mega SG is free across the board, I guess would be the answer to ‘why bother’ for someone asking. :P

Sure why not? I have a Mega Everdrive.. I’m not about to get rid of it just because it gets jailbroken, same way I didn’t get rid of the SD2SNES when the the Super NT got jailbroken as well.

Understood, but point is it’s a bad take to lump this in with the emulation consoles, as tempting as that is. :)

lol this one is pretty far different from all the other Genesis attempts (Atgames, Hyperkin, Polymega, etc.)..

I wouldn’t worry about it... Knowing the history of the analogue units, it won’t be long before some SD loading option is given by the “unknown hacker”

wtf.. they were dating? lol

Surprised you guys require the person work in NYC. It’s the internet age didn’t you know.

As a minority myself you better be 100% certain there is no way I’m going to be stopped from voting, and voting straight red.

If I’m not mistaken, the original japanese release didn’t have any text telling you what to do.. e.g. “pick”, etc. I kind of found it off-putting that the the english version did, and kind of ruined the quick guessing of what you’re supposed to do in each game, at least initially.

I can’t edit my post above.. but the last sentence should be “Now though, I guess I’d take a double take on it”.

Could they not have just gone for Matt Damon?

When I was in college (i.e. late 80's) I thought it was stupid that you couldn’t wear a frat shirt.. for example, if you weren’t in that frat. I couldn’t see the logic as it was just a T-Shirt.. and it could have anything on it... didn’t mean you necessarily had anything to do with it. Like I could wear a democrat

I dunno.. I still rickroll people. :(

a piece of electrical tape is indeed the way to go. Easy, takes 2 seconds, and is removeable

Insane Clown Pussy?

I have to be very careful with deadlifts as while I strive to maintain the correct form, wear a belt, etc... it’s not something I’m used to doing with my weak muscles.. so once I feel an eency weency bit of back tweaking, I consider my reps done that day. :p

What we have to do is HELP these people.. if we can “Rock the Vote” then we can also use volunteerism to assist those who need help getting ID’s to simply get them. My elderly father in law is from the Phillipines (moved to the states via Guam back in the 60's) and he can’t drive, hear well, or really see. He’s also

Meh.. not like it matters how it turns out one way or the other. He could be 100% exonerated and the Dems will still vote against him unanimously. So what was the point of it?

Heck they didn’t include Guam either. They only care about us brown people when they think it promotes Democrat party values. :)