And who the heck are the people in the first pic?
And who the heck are the people in the first pic?
Well heck in the game can’t even jump over a relatively small wall lol.
Geeze. Trump was justified in firing him.
So I guess they might find out my name is Fred Flinstone, head cashier of Disneyland?
I don’t watch movies really.. time to look for a spoiler because I’m curious now. And no, I won’t watch.. takes too long. lol
Scandal?? Heck media scripting is a recurring bit on Conan. Plenty of examples..
I don’t like the marinade or whatever brine it is they use for their chicken strips.. tastes gross and gives a weird texture. That said, let’s face it that their shakes are arguably one of the best among national fast food chains.
the Democrats are going to actually have to run on what they’ll do, rather than who they’re not.
So like how do these virtual comics work.. is it limited to issues from when they started the service, or do they have their entire library for download ever? e.g. comics from the 70's, etc.?
So like how do these virtual comics work.. is it limited to issues from when they started the service, or do they…
So are these people actors?
Is it still worth trying the original release of Starcraft if you’ve never played it?
My character of choice too.. although in retrospect I never really thought about the superficial girl graphic aspect, but rather much more so the “floaty” aspect. :)
Meh.. the scripts are nothing new come on.
lol grouping the act of people voting for a president, with beheading videos. Lost your mind boy.
lol when do you need “cultural license” to use a word. Swear it’s like a constant soap opera between you white and black folks. Move on :p
lol and here I was thinking the Office was a current show.
I always just do every bracket like a random lotto pick.. and always lose bigly. Coincidence?
All it took for me is the one “STAR WARS” movie. 1977, no “Episode IV” in crawl. :)
I don’t like or use ketchup (although in my old age, if it’s on there, I just eat it).. so I’m relatively ignorant in life about it. I remember my sister in law asked me to pick up some ketchup for her while I was at the grocery store.. I said “what kind?” and she said “whichever”. So I went to the ketchup aisle and…