
The VHS ones still say “Episode IV” on the crawl. i.e. the first of the Lucas revisions.

“Does Greedo shoot?

It’s 100% debatable if Greedo was going to shoot Han. :)

Then it should be:

Have to pass. We pretty much reached the critical mass of specialized Lego sets in our house. There’s just nowhere to display/put them and you just have to break it down to put it back in the box already.

I’ve heard that from some people (today).. I guess that’s a new mentality for the game where it’s primarily competitive.. sort of like the idea that Call of Duty doesn’t need a campaign mode, etc.

No Arcade Mode???!?!

It is for me.. the breast physics need to be implemented in Player 1 as well! :(

There’s no blue shells in SNES SMK, Oh but then again nothing in the video is either but hey :)

Hey it made me google who “Lupe Fiasco” was and what do you know he’s a rapper. Who knew? :)

Long discussion about that and everything else here:

Gotta always love how left wing liberal agenda of taxes, control, and regulation is always framed as “Saving the Planet” lulz.

Sounds like a typical Apple experience to me... can’t have users simply have files in a directory... have to use some isolated photo ecosystem to handle everything for you

wtf is Tidal?

I’d say yes.. it may not have the full-on depth you’re referencing but it is definitely a quality game for a 1st iteration of the series.

Corporations are people as much as governments are.

Might as well draw naked chicks with a pencil and jack to that.

Nerds are the new jocks?

Sometimes though you’re just under the weather and no amount of techniques will unplug you. Just throwing that out there. :)