I’m kinda sad your posting on Deadspin on Sundays.
“Oh look, a former HS player Deadspin commenter who thinks he can (looks at user name) ......oh.
It’s actually fairly important to the kickers and punters to get the K ball back if it goes in the stands, because the equipment guys generally only get enough time to break in the first 2-3 balls properly.
Bears radio reported that the ball boy caught the guy and exchanged footballs with him. The Bears didn’t want to lose a kicking ball so they gave him a normal ball.
Did he get away? I need closure, dammit!
Unless you know someone, or recognize a face from somewhere, “dropping in” on anyone’s cookout is pretty much a no go, I’d think.
This is fantastic information, thank you. A follow up?
AND, you might get in your feelings over the shit-talking, because James isgoing to call you a bitch. He always does that.
you guys are fucking shameless
As interracial dating, integration, and cross-cultural friendships increase, many people find themselves attending…
It’s appropriate that you said “harsh” but not “unfair”. Because I definitely think it was fair.
Unpopular Opinion: What Rannazzisi did was creepy (and likely indicative of a mental illness of some sort) but what Davidson did was pretty harsh.
Pete Davidson was HILARIOUS on the Beiber roast, making fun of his own fathers death in the World Trade Center. I really admire people who can turn a personal tragedy into a joke that good. And now ripping on Brian, and being cool about it all. I like this guy a lot.
For about two seconds, my coffee-deprived brain thought this was Jared from Subway. What a clusterfuck that would be.
because why wait till after the lions play to have a bad taste in your mouth.
Don't let those jerks get you down, Tom. I'd smell your fingers.
I was hoping someone else saw this. Saw it live, couldn't stop laughing.