
VOTE: Sennheiser G4ME Stereo Headset "PC 360"

cant really expect them to write "the world will never be the same. again. again. again. again"

im no law expert at all, but from what i understand from the article the bill is still being redacted, and therefore wouldnt necessarily become public until it is presented in the senate floor.

10 years and $9 billion?! really?

you mean the drink? whats a canada anyways?

HA my phone has 3 more pixels per inch than yours!!!! youre so outdated brah. take that, whoopd you up and sent you home to mommy!! youre so old if you were moving slowly, technology must seem like magic to you!! by the time you catch up to my 3 extra pixels per inch, youll be fossil fuel!!!! sry brah, umad brah?, ima

p38 very sexy too! i saw one at an airshow last week and the sound of the engine made my knees weak :P

as much as i like the f-16, you gotta admit, the p-51 is still, by far, the sexiest plane ever made

the only really really really wealthy person ive seen in my life didnt even drive a car. he was being driven around in a maybach.

as i clearly stated at the beginning of my post, it was all entirely my personal opinion; my point of view on the matter, limited as it is by the huge gap in my experience with windows and linux (around 20 years experience) and apple software, which i have used sporadically and i have never enjoyed. i dont go around

depends on who you ask and whos right next to the person answering the question. for example, y ha ve my own opinion regarding iproducts. the short version is "no thanks". this will generally get me called a fanboy, and recieve comments like "got iOS5, u mad brah?" or "jealous Apple is so much better than fugly

i started with DOA3 so i can only speak since, but i can tell you button mashing in DOA leads you nowhere. even the easy-to-use characters, such as hitomi (the one with green jacket), require lots of arrow-work, much more than just pressing the colored buttons, especially for the powerful combos. try button mashing

or how to get to see fb ladies :P

totally agree. especially on akira, they can easily whitewash the cast, change names, plots, settings and just keep a thin relation to the original storyline, change the name of the movie to something more american and tada! you have an american summer blockbuster with the very important line at the beginning "movie

now, if only someone ported it to bf3 and made a 64 person conquest map. damn that be sexy

i thought first of deep-sea repairs on aircraft carriers, but then of space elevator.

i use the radio song from the beginning of portal 1. every day for me is a new portal map!

recently, history channel latin america released a very good documentary about the links and diplomatic ties between south america and nazi germany. it showed actual footage that, at least they claimed, as it had no distinguishable audio, it was nazi rallies in argentina, uruguay, chile and brazil.

who ever said everyone is copying apple, as if a single company was responsible for all the inventions in the world? the sad thing is that 99% of the people who are buying tech nowadays did believe the advertising campaign of apple, leading to the popular legend (as real as nazi ufos) that apple invented everything

its also good when you think its the last place russians would throw a nuke at, considering all the other, much more valuable targets in the area