
And now how much do they cost and how rare are they? Also VW isn't luxury. Even if has all the same stuff.

It's a luxury performance car. Kinda hard to make it lighter without taking away the luxury or adding 20k to the price to make everything carbon fiber. My R Design is a little over 3900 but it moves quick enough to keep a smile on my face. Remember this car comes standard with infotainment, city braking, radar cruise

V90 P* will likely weigh around 4100-4200 lbs which will slow it down because it will likely have the same engine. And it will likely cost 75-80k I'm guessing.

To be fair. No P* has ever had a manual.

As long as you're willing to wait you can get deals on Volvos all day. I got my 14 R Design for 34k last summer. The window sticker had it for 52k. P*s will probably be harder to get deals on since there are so few of them though.

Lighty McLightface.

The US already uses Blackjack as well. The RQ-21 Blackjack.

See I want to agree with you but Tav just makes a such a strong argument for it... And you’re argument is just a bunch of bitching and name calling. If I drove a econo box and if I was willing to go through the struggle of seeing if I’m allowed to even do it while in the military I would totally consider it. Plus I’m

The islands aren’t claimed by anyone butt China. The water they BUILT these islands in is only disputed between China and the country who’s waters they built the islands in so they could claim it as their own. But there’s no dispute that China is in the wrong here and is conducting an expansion little by little.

Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know you were smarter than two actual scientists.

Said the same to a comment above. You'd think more Jalops would watch MythBusters. But yea that BS was disproven by them at least a decade ago but people still think it's true.

Mythbusters disproved your statement like 10 years ago. So my vote would be for your statement as car BS I hear all the time.

At this rate by 2050 the average car will have 1000hp but be as fast as a Geo Metro because it’ll weigh 30 tons due to safety equipment to protect mouth breathers (who lets be honest should be taken by the Law of Darwinism anyway). And people wonder why we’re going to run out of food in the next 50-100 years.

Wait a minute. You're still paying off a 13 year old Corolla? What the hell kind of financing were you tricked into!?

Remember. The further from the rotor they go the faster the blades are spinning so I'm not sure you'd see anything besides a blur. Plus there’s the balance issue of the blades.

You shut your mouth. Helicopters fly by pure magic.

Did they research the idea that maybe drivers got worse in the 10 years? Since 2004 cell phones, texting, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat have all been distracting drivers way more. And a sign is probably going to be less legible if no one is looking at it... Or the road.

I just love how you all bitch and moan about how these movies suck and they aren’t “car movies” anymore but I guarantee the majority of you contributed to the last film being the highest grossing film Universal has ever made. Hypocrites! The lot of you!

I haven’t lived in enough places to judge the best but I’m pretty sure short of California, Hawaii is the worst state to do work on. Not only is there a shortage of space and you basically have to ship everything here because no legitimate manufacturer would set up shop here but modifying your vehicle to anything out

This article doesn't prove your point at all. People die in war and conflict when they chose to not leave the battle zone.