No it was from what I recall (that only being seeing the R on Top Gear). It's a good size though. Definitely a car I'll have no problem hooning my future children around in.
No it was from what I recall (that only being seeing the R on Top Gear). It's a good size though. Definitely a car I'll have no problem hooning my future children around in.
You've clearly never driven an R Design...
The S60 is classified as midsize but I'd put it as a compact midsize. It looks smaller than it feels though.
Yea hopefully it'll be available wherever I get stationed next. But it's great to finally see a crossover between here and forums.
Holy shit dude I’ve seen your dad’s car on swedespeed! I actually gave him a compliment on the MTY THOR plate because I wanted to get an ODIN one for my R Design but sadly it’s already taken here in Hawaii.
Only if you pay him $100/hr for his wife first
Well unless the issue was that his steering makes a weird noise while going through a drive thru it's still wrong. This is a breach of trust and principle.
Volvos. Specifically the enthusiast models. As a recent purchaser of a 2014 S60 R Design I have to say I was pretty disappointed at the lack of forum support and aftermarket for Volvos. Coming from a Dodge Ram where the forums and aftermarket are huge was a big change and made me realize how neglected Volvo is.
Yes I guess I should have phrased it differently. I was thinking more along the lines of dubs and similarly terrible looking wheels on cars and trucks.
My only concern is he took a 2011 frame (notoriously known for bending) and proceeded to make it weaker by chopping it. I hope there's a good amount of reinforcement on that frame post-op.
I could go on for days about this one. But number 1 is:
The Reliant Robin segment has me in tears laughing every time.
You and me both buddy. I’ve been holding off on getting a new car as soon as I heard about this thing. But it needs to be competitively priced and well equipped for that competitive price or else I’ll take my talents (aka money) over to the Golf R. But lord knows I want to hoon this around Hawaii so bad.
You named all these people but fail you recognize the 3 that make your whole statement void. Clarkson, Hammond and May. You have one who's just old and been in a number of crashes. We all know Hammond can't even drive in a straight line. And May is the King of slow. All these equate to how the British are the not the…
Makes me wonder if Tesla secretly calls his assembly line electric avenue.
Best one by far: “ELEC AVE”
Be careful with buying your own modem. Check that the modem is compatible with you’re service provider first so you don’t end up like me shelling out $100+ to find out you can’t use your fancy new modem with your service provider.
Be careful with buying your own modem. Check that the modem is compatible with you’re service provider first so you…
I love the look of the XV also. I just wish it had the power train of the WRX. It would be the WRX hatch we all want and need.
Subaru would have had my business months ago when I was in the market for a new car. I really wanted the XV. The funky look of it appeals to me and I need something with a hatch at least (currently have a truck with terrible gas mileage) for the amount of stuff and people I carry frequently. But that lack of…