
Every aircraft after the F15 is pretty much all fly by wire (maybe the F16). Hell computers are the only reason the B2 can even fly. I believe many aircraft have redundant computer systems should the primary fail but don’t quote me on that.

I can almost use my exact previous response. Tell me that you’d say all of this to every F16, F15 and F18 pilot who’s flown over Iraq and Afghanistan for the past 14 years. I'm not necessarily saying you can call the F22 a combat proven aircraft. I'm just saying the reason you're disqualifying it would disqualify

So you’re telling me every pilot who’s been deployed since 9/11 has never been in “combat” according to your logic. Yea you're an idiot.

They still do. We get to fly in the green top V22s.

A little known detail about the Green Tops that I didn’t know about until I got there is that they also fly around the Lieutenants at The Basic School. It was pretty cool to be able to say I've flown in an HMX-1 helo.

Well the truck enthusiast in me noticed right away that those headlights were F250 and because I know the Excursion died years ago (almost a decade now I think).

In terms of the Excursion and your picture? The Excursion came first. There’s a big difference between a converted F250 and an Excursion.

We have EAF (expeditionary airfield) capabilities. So it's within our realm to operate in austere environments. Plus we usually set up forward bases for aircraft (everything except F18s). And as an aviation supply guy I can tell you we have the ability to support aircraft as forward as they go.

Yeaaaaaa. Let’s be realistic here. Regardless the MC doesn't and they never will.

The AF doesn't do expeditionary. That's our (USMC) job.

If the MC did adopt the A10, which it won’t, it wouldn't be retrofitted to launch from carriers since a very small number of MC A/C even launch from carriers. They would just operate like F18s and C130s from land bases and just do a lot of inflight refueling to get where it's going. But it's ability to launch and

Definitely siding with the family on this. They told the flight attendant that all she needed was hot food and nothing would happen and they refused. They even offered to pay for it. So the flight attendant is the one at fault here. I get that there's policies but you can bend the rules for something as rare as this.

This is a no brainer. Besides the lights. The wheels alone are the biggest give away. Unless the driver changed from black wheels to cheap chrome wheels while going triple digits then they 100% have the wrong guy. I would go down to the station with this and make them watch it.

Didn't know Miami was in SW Florida...

Because you have a different mission than we do. And as stated multiple times already you can't pin questionable justifications on us. That's on the people you vote into office. We're the enactors of policy, not the creators.

Every service has a mission statement so read up on those and get back to us. As far as scaling down? All of them could but it's harder to rebulk our forces in time of crisis today due to the amount of training required for the average service member. This isn't WW2 where you can train someone in a month or two and

As someone else stated. That's not a question for the military. We don't really get a say in what our mission is. We just interpret it to the best of our moral and ethical abilities. But when you add in the factor of human lives at risk it alters the traditional idea of morals and ethics. Our military has the toughest

Today's military has more skills than any other past or present. That's why military personnel are so sought after once they get out. I'm 23 and probably have the logistics and leadership skills of someone nearing their 40s in a similar profession.

Define “winning wars” because I think your definition is drastically different than that of a normal person if that's what you believe.

As someone of the military I will be the first to admit that in OIF/OEF I don’t believe we met our objectives as much as the government will believe we did. But it’s just our job to enact policies, not make them. People will say that’s a zombie mentality just blindly following what the government tells us to do but